I have a query for a report, and I want to set the criteria for the 'Design' column to the previously selected 'cboCategory' in 'frmProductReports'. Individually selected Categories run the report correctly, however if the user has left 'cboCategory' set at its default value of 'All Design Categories' the report runs but without any data at all. Please see below for the Immediate If condition I'm trying to set.<br><br><FONT FACE=monospace>IIf([Forms]![frmProductReports]![cboCategory]="All Design Categories", <font color=red>What do I set this to?</font> ,[Forms]![frmProductReports]![cboCategory])</font><br><br>I've tried setting the 'truepart' to "" and "*" but neither brings up any data.<br><br>Anyone know how to do this? <p>ahdkaw<br><a></a><br><a href= you do visit my sites - be warned! You must be of a discordian nature...'