A query to combine 2 tables to show omitted employees on a given day
A table of tasks done
Date Empl Hrs WorkDone
2/3/03 Joe 5.5 Wigit 1
2/3/03 Joe 2.5 Wigit 2
2/3/03 Fred 5 Wigit 9
2/3/03 Fred 2.5 Wigit 1
2/3/03 Bill 4 Wigit 4
2/3/03 Bill 3.5 Wigit 7
2/3/03 John 3 Wigit 1
2/3/03 John 4.5 Wigit 7
Jack and Paul are missing on this day
A table of all possible employees
Needed a query that will combine both tables showing total hrs for employees who worked, and no hrs for omitted employees for a given day, I have not been able to have the omitted employees show with no hrs for each date in the "tasks done" table. Is this possible?
2/3/03 Bill 7.5
2/3/03 Fred 7.5
2/3/03 Jack
2/3/03 Joe 8.0
2/3/03 John 7.5
2/3/03 Paul
A table of tasks done
Date Empl Hrs WorkDone
2/3/03 Joe 5.5 Wigit 1
2/3/03 Joe 2.5 Wigit 2
2/3/03 Fred 5 Wigit 9
2/3/03 Fred 2.5 Wigit 1
2/3/03 Bill 4 Wigit 4
2/3/03 Bill 3.5 Wigit 7
2/3/03 John 3 Wigit 1
2/3/03 John 4.5 Wigit 7
Jack and Paul are missing on this day
A table of all possible employees
Needed a query that will combine both tables showing total hrs for employees who worked, and no hrs for omitted employees for a given day, I have not been able to have the omitted employees show with no hrs for each date in the "tasks done" table. Is this possible?
2/3/03 Bill 7.5
2/3/03 Fred 7.5
2/3/03 Jack
2/3/03 Joe 8.0
2/3/03 John 7.5
2/3/03 Paul