I think I lost something in my Brain...good opening statement..yes? Anyway I have a major form with a minor sub form. The minor sub form will have field’s containing information. This minor sub form will have 50 or 60 records. I can use the record selector to step through the records one at a time. But for my users, I want to use a drop down selector to allow them to jump between records on the minor sub form. For some reason, and here is where my brain comes in, I can't remember how to mechanize this action. I can get the minor sub form....dropdown selector, to show the correct information so the users can make the selection....but I have forgotten how to make it re-query the sub form and jump to the selected record. I always have problems requiring a sub form.
Help please....I know this has to be easy and I am sure I have seen it in the past.
Help please....I know this has to be easy and I am sure I have seen it in the past.