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quarkxpress 5.0 font problem 3

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Dec 1, 2002
hi everybody,
i recently plunked down a bunch of money and bought QuarkXPress.. but when I started trying to use it. i wasn't very happy!!!! All of my fonts, except system fonts look bitmapped!!!
I'm running Mac OS X, Extensis Suitcase 10, and Quarkxpress 5.0. The only way I can get into quarkxpress is in "classic mode" and the fonts that i have activated in Suitcase show up in the font menu, but they always appear bitmapped!!! I have been reading past threads and the advice is to use Adobe Type Manager. But, since I have Suitcase, wouldn't that suffice? i tried to download adobe type manager lite a few times and whenver i try to install it, it makes my computer freeze. needless to say quark is making me a very stressed-out person. I don't know what to do!!! can someone please help me? thanks a zillion.
Well Greg,

QuarkXPress has no functions for smoothing Type 1 fonts onscreen. This is the function of a system control panel. Usually, Adobe Type Manager (ATM) is used to make sure these fonts appear smooth in QuarkXPress.

If you do not have ATM (Adobe Type Manager), the PostScript Type1 fonts will look jagged on the screen at all point sizes except for the ones you have installed. It is from Adobe, so you can purchase it from them or try downloading again.

Adobe Type Manager (ATM) is a utility that utilizes both components of Type1 fonts to display them smoothly on the screen at all point sizes, and print them smoothly at all sizes as well.

Also, some tech Users / Programmers have reported that when they have display problems with fonts, selecting "smooth all fonts on screen" in the fonts tab of the Appearance control panel appeared to correct the problem.

<<I am also not seeing imported graphics. I get text instead.>>

For this problem, I would like you to assist me with some further information:

*What type of graphic formats are you using while importing?

*How are you trying to get the picture (Get picture or Copy paste)?

Come back with the answers of the above questions and I will be glad continuing troubleshooting with you.

Text instead of pictures? Usually because it's either an imported EPS with no preview, or Quark doesn't have enough memory to render it... although I didn't see that question in the original post!

As for OSX, Quark still hasn't released a native version yet which is the one reason I'm still using OS 9.2. Why not try rebooting your computer in OS 9.x and see if the problems persist. If they do, try re-installing ATM in OS 9.x instead and see if you have more luck.

I have the same setup and it's running fine, but it's quite a few months since I installed everything so I can't remember the details. Isn't there a version of ATM on either your system disks or even on the Suitcase CD? I know it's an Adobe product, but I think the 'lite' version is supplied with third party products too. If I think of it later, I'll dig out my original disks and see where it is.
Hey Techleo,where did that question abt images came into the scene???

STRANGE!I suppose working too late...

~*The Art of Communication*~
Apologies 180, I think mixing of two replies caused due to IE’s windows mismanagement.

Well, I think that all the TechnicalUsers should assist the enquirers with the appropriate suggestions, rather than finding errors in the posts.

Bravo BlueArc ...
For smoothning of fonts just download ATM lite from Adobe's website.

I'm been using OS X for 3 months now, being a graphic designer and a Quark user (4.1 and 5) I've managed to use both version of Quark in Classic mode with no font problem by using Font Reserve 3.1.

Its works better than Suitcase, when I installed OS X, I first tried Suitcase and had the same problems, bitmap representation on my screen.

Just try Font Reserve it worked for me. I'm waiting for the carbonized version of Quark expected in spring 2003. :)
ok peeps, thanks for your responses, but here is the dealio:

I realize that the way to correct this problem is by installing adobe type manager lite, it also came with my extensis suitcase CD. i've tried numerous times to install it, but everytime, the same thing happens: i get that crappy MAC stop watch , and it stays on the screen forever, and adobe type manager never gets installed!!!! I just get tired of waiting the zillions of hours that it is seeming to take to install it!!!! Does this happen to anyone else? What is the problem here, is it me? am i doing anything wrong, it says to close all applications, and i do that, but it still never installs!!!!I still can't design worth crap in Quark because of this problem!!!!please help me!!!

also to atchisan: where could I purchase font reserve 3.1, also how much does it cost.. after spending the $120 on Suitcase, and the huge amount of money on QuarkXpress, i dont know how much more i can afford to spend on software..

thanks again,--180
There is no way that Adobe Type Manager will work under OS X, the system is in charge of font smoothing and that is what ATM is doing under OS 9, so stop trying.

As for the price of Font Reserve the street price is around $99.95 USD and its available almost everywhere. Dont lose hope, I know its working.

If you cant find it drop me a line.

ok here's whats up, as of right now
thanks to AtchiSan's advice, it helped me realize if I can't install Adobe Type Manager lite in Classic mode of OS X, then maybe I should try starting up my computer in OS 9...then try instaling adobe type manager light!!!! This WORKED!!! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!
thanks alot--180

Just a quick note to say I had the same problem a few months ago and it drove me mad! Eventually somebody in the office sorted it out by doing the whole OS9 thing. Wish I knew about tek-tips back then, I could have saved a whole lot of trouble! *'s go to blueark and AtchSan for coming up with what would have been the right solution for me!!
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