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QUARK!!! Missing Pictures, Missing Text, Can't Save.

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Technical User
Apr 7, 2004
I have several issues relating to Quark, have read bits of info on each but hoped more is known or resolved. We have upgraded from Quark 4.1 to 6.1 and run G5s using Panther 10.3.3 over an ethernet network.

Firstly sometimes when an old 4.1 Quark file is opened some of the text is missing, is there a reason for this or a way of stopping it or fixing it?

Secondly, opening Quark files over the network sometimes results in not being able to save files, the privileges for the files change to read & write for the last user and read only to everyone else.

Lastly when files on one G5 are opened and the pictures updated (which we had to do since upgrading all the machines and files moving), when its saved and another user on another G5 opens the file all the pictures are listed as missing even though the path Quark lists for the files are correct.

Any help on these would be much appreciated as we have hundreds of files that need to be shared between 3 users on 3 mac and having to update pictures everytime a new user opens the file is really slowing things down.

Thank you.
I assume you are using a Windows server. We had this problem here as well with 6.1. Save your file to you local machine after you have updated the photos, then copy the file to the server. Supposedly this is being worked on, but until a patch is released, just save files to your local machine and copy it to the server.
As for type disappearing before you save, I haven't run accross that problem yet. It's always been after saving that I've seen that, and saving to the local drive has alleviated that problem.
Good Luck
We are not using a Windows server, we just have 3 G5s, with most of the files on just one and all 3 of us open and work on these files and save them. If each user has to copy the file to their mac before working on it, will the images show up as being missing each time? This seems like a major problem for Quark, surely they must of tested this out before release. I'm considering using Indesign instead because of all these issues, but i have no idea if it has similar issues etc (plus we would need to get up to speed on it as we don't already use it). Any suggestions?
Both the text and image problem is a known issue...

Working from desktop and copying back (for the first save to V6) does work. YOU ONLY HAVE TO COPY THE QUARK FILE. !!!After the first save, this is no longer necessary!!!

If you are running a client to client network instead of client to server...and sharing each others hard drives...not a problem, the images will reference to there orignation drive.

I have heard there are even worse problems with in-design CS, so choose your software partner carefully my friend.
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