Trying to QSIG network to Harris 20/20 PBX from Mitel 3300. We have basic communication working ok, number displays on sets when calling back and forth. We also have a Nupoint installed on the 3300 and we plan to slowly migrate users to the 3300/Nupoint. The Nupoint will take over as primary voicemail however before the phones will move over. So I need to have full intergration with the Nupoint and Harris. We have it setup so far that when a direct call for the Nupoint comes in, it will identify the Harris caller and prompt for password. My trouble is when a call forwards to voicemail, the voicemail answers with please enter your passcode. I know I am missing some of the call forwarding setup from the Harris, but i cannot find anyone to help with the programming on that end. If anyone has any experience with this please let me know.