I am trying to work out your encryption and I think my brain has passed it's expiry date. I can't figure out the logistics of this - I am new to asp and functions.
I think that I have managed to encrypt the QS on the response.redirect of my 'submit.asp page'. This value now gets passed by response.redirect to 'process.asp' with a link to another page called 'printinstructions.asp'.
This value now retrieved on 'process.asp' page now needs to be passed when the link is clicked. Where and how do I perform the de-encrypt? When the link is clicked before going to the page, or on body load of 'printinstructions.asp'? How do I do this?
Thanks, appreciate it!
Here is the function that's on the submit.asp
Function Encrypt(ByVal TheString)
Dim x, i, tmp
For i = 1 To Len( TheString )
x = Mid( Thestring, i, 1 )
tmp = tmp & Chr( Asc( x ) + 1 )
tmp = StrReverse( tmp )
Encrypt = tmp
End Function
Function Decrypt(ByVal encryptedstring)
Dim x, i, tmp, final
encryptedstring = StrReverse( encryptedstring )
For i = 1 To Len( encryptedstring )
x = Mid( encryptedstring, i, 1 )
tmp = tmp & Chr( Asc( x ) - 1 )
Decrypt = tmp
End Function
'end encrypt
**Here's the response.redirect, also on submit.asp**
if err.number = 0 then
Response.redirect "process.asp?id=" & Encrypt (strNINumber) 'added
This passes id to process.asp where there is a link which should post/qs the value to printinstructions.asp. When are how do I do it and what is the syntax?
I am trying to work out your encryption and I think my brain has passed it's expiry date. I can't figure out the logistics of this - I am new to asp and functions.
I think that I have managed to encrypt the QS on the response.redirect of my 'submit.asp page'. This value now gets passed by response.redirect to 'process.asp' with a link to another page called 'printinstructions.asp'.
This value now retrieved on 'process.asp' page now needs to be passed when the link is clicked. Where and how do I perform the de-encrypt? When the link is clicked before going to the page, or on body load of 'printinstructions.asp'? How do I do this?
Thanks, appreciate it!
Here is the function that's on the submit.asp
Function Encrypt(ByVal TheString)
Dim x, i, tmp
For i = 1 To Len( TheString )
x = Mid( Thestring, i, 1 )
tmp = tmp & Chr( Asc( x ) + 1 )
tmp = StrReverse( tmp )
Encrypt = tmp
End Function
Function Decrypt(ByVal encryptedstring)
Dim x, i, tmp, final
encryptedstring = StrReverse( encryptedstring )
For i = 1 To Len( encryptedstring )
x = Mid( encryptedstring, i, 1 )
tmp = tmp & Chr( Asc( x ) - 1 )
Decrypt = tmp
End Function
'end encrypt
**Here's the response.redirect, also on submit.asp**
if err.number = 0 then
Response.redirect "process.asp?id=" & Encrypt (strNINumber) 'added
This passes id to process.asp where there is a link which should post/qs the value to printinstructions.asp. When are how do I do it and what is the syntax?