hello Everybody !
Good day
Let me first explain my existing setup
Our office has 2 branches located far off.
Our domain and mail server is being hoisted by the ISP.
If anybody external sends mail to our domain, it will be landing on our ISP Mail server from where I poll the mail using fetchmail and deilver it locally to the users.
I have configured dns say spec.com ( for local use ) in our office.
I have configured sendmail in our office 1 and office 2
is such a way that.
assume users a and b are in office 1 and users x & y are in office 2
case 1.
if user a sends a mail to user b sendmail will deliver it locally
case 2.
if user a sends a mail to user x or y will deliver it remotelly i.e it will be queued and sent to our ISP mail server from
where the user x & y will see their mails.
This is I have done using LocalConfig in sendmail where in the sendmail, befor delivering the mail it will parse for
a file where I have populated the users, if the user is present it will deliver it locally else goes to the ISP mail server.
The same setup I would like to Implement in qmail. Local delivery of mails to user in the same office is working fine, but I am facing the problem, when I send a mail to user in other office,it bounce backs saying user unknown. I wanted to know how I can
Implement the same setup as my previous in Qmail.
I can solve the problem if I creat different domain say speclocal.com. In such case the users will have 2 email ids.
1.for local ( within office) i.e speclocal.com
2.offical ( for sending to users outside office ) @spec.com ( registerd dns )
this is a pain as the users will get confused and need to create 2 separate email profiles.
I shall high appreciate if you could help me
out in giving the solution to my problem,as
I am going mad figuring out the solution.
Let us join hand in solving the open source
Good day
Let me first explain my existing setup
Our office has 2 branches located far off.
Our domain and mail server is being hoisted by the ISP.
If anybody external sends mail to our domain, it will be landing on our ISP Mail server from where I poll the mail using fetchmail and deilver it locally to the users.
I have configured dns say spec.com ( for local use ) in our office.
I have configured sendmail in our office 1 and office 2
is such a way that.
assume users a and b are in office 1 and users x & y are in office 2
case 1.
if user a sends a mail to user b sendmail will deliver it locally
case 2.
if user a sends a mail to user x or y will deliver it remotelly i.e it will be queued and sent to our ISP mail server from
where the user x & y will see their mails.
This is I have done using LocalConfig in sendmail where in the sendmail, befor delivering the mail it will parse for
a file where I have populated the users, if the user is present it will deliver it locally else goes to the ISP mail server.
The same setup I would like to Implement in qmail. Local delivery of mails to user in the same office is working fine, but I am facing the problem, when I send a mail to user in other office,it bounce backs saying user unknown. I wanted to know how I can
Implement the same setup as my previous in Qmail.
I can solve the problem if I creat different domain say speclocal.com. In such case the users will have 2 email ids.
1.for local ( within office) i.e speclocal.com
2.offical ( for sending to users outside office ) @spec.com ( registerd dns )
this is a pain as the users will get confused and need to create 2 separate email profiles.
I shall high appreciate if you could help me
out in giving the solution to my problem,as
I am going mad figuring out the solution.
Let us join hand in solving the open source