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qmail - and virtual domains

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May 24, 2000
Hello all. I'm hoping this qmail forum will blow up.

I have been looking to set up qmail to replace my current sendmail. I have a single Linux box that acts as a DNS server, Web server and email server. Has anyone had the chance to install qmail in this type of environment? I purchased the new book by Dave Sill, called "The qmail Handbook" and it seems to follow the online manual, "Life with qmail" very closely. In fact, it's so close that when it's slightly different, I don't know which is more up to date and which one I should follow. =\.

Nevertheless, I've installed qmail (by the book) and am still very confused about setting up the email so that users from different domains will be able to have webmail.

Has anyone played with IMP? What is the 'project outline' I should be following to set this all up. It's my very first time, and I want to do it right and with confidence.

Is pop3 my answer? Or is IMAP my answer? ---
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
IMP has substantially improved since your email was posted. If you still cannot get IMP to work with Qmail, post an update - and I will try to help you. - J

moreso, I was looking to find out from those out there that have already experienced setting up what I am looking to do. I don't need technical details. I just would like to have an overall project outline as to what components I need to install and in what order.

Thanks! ---
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Your original post was a year old...you're still waiting for an answer? :)

I'm am doing/will be doing this exact same thing...here's the pieces and the order I installed/will install them.

1) Qmail
2) Vpopmail (inter7.com)eases setup of virtual domains
3) Vqadmin (inter7.com) web based domain creation/management
3) Qmailadmin (inter7.com) web based qmail administration
4) Courier IMAP (inter7.com) IMAP support required for IMP webmail
5) IMP webmail
6) TMDA (tmda.net) for spam control...there's a web based admin for this but you have to use the correct versions of all the previously listed software.

I'm probably forgetting something right now...but that's my goal. Right now I'm in the qmailadmin stage but I'm having CGI problems on my webserver so I can't get any farther til that's resolved.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

One year eh? Is that how long I've been staring at my machine waiting for a response for? :| actually, I put the project off until I got my new server - which was just this past week. :)

What you are doing now seems to be the EXACT thing I would like to do... + be able to administer mail for various different domains.

all going to separate mailboxes.

If you can document the steps you take and anything to look out for on the way... I would MOST appreciate it as I will be tackling that project as soon as I finish up with the Linux install on my new server.

I run 16 websites from my home. Let me know if I can help you with your cgi problems. :)

Thanks! ---
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
vqadmin and qmailadmin are the answer to your administration. I was previously at a site that used them to administer something like 50 domains...and there really is no hard limit.

I'm doing all this on OpenBSD 3.2.

Qmail is probably the toughest piece to get configured (and even it is not that hard), just follow the lifewithqmail website. Once you have that, all the other pieces pretty much fall together. One major thing I fought for several hours with QMail...all my incoming mail was getting dropped because the queue wasn't running as the correct user. I finally found a message board that said to check my /etc/fstab. /var was set with 'nosuid' and QMail threw a fit. Once I took nosuid off of /var it worked great.

My CGI problem is this. No matter what I do I cannot run any cgi scripts from cgi-bin. I always get a 500 Internal Server Error...but I can run the script manually at the shell prompt just fine. Tried all sorts of chowning, chmoding, messing with ScriptAlias in Apache...nothing is working. Any help here would be greatly appreciated as I'm at a standstill now.

Thanks for the tips on qmail. I will remember them during my install/config.

re: cgi
check your httpd.conf file. 9 out of 10 times, that is where the problem lies.

::Here are some things to double check::

The 'ScriptAlias' directive tells Apache that a particular directory is set aside for CGI programs

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /path/to/yourdomain/cgi-bin/

Also, you could explicitly use the 'Options' directive to specify that CGI execution is permitted in a particular directory:

<Directory /path/to/whatever/htdocs/domain/cgi-bin/>
Options +ExecCGI

You will also need to tell the server what files are CGI files.

AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl

good luck!
my YIM id is: i_inux and AIM id is: linuxtricks
feel free to IM me if you'd like. ---
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Well I've got both the ScriptAlias and the Options +ExecCGI set...but wasn't sure I needed the AddHandler line. I'll try that and let you know.


I finally got it all working!!!
Qmail pop+imap/Webmail/Calendaring/AddressBook/and TMDA Spam blocking. Everything accessible through a web browser including all management stuff...except for creating courier-imap accounts/passwords.

Here's the final setup.

Qmail 1.03
Vpopmail 5.3.9
qmailadmin 1.0.6
HORDE 2.1 ties these next three together...
IMP 3.1 webmail
TURBA 1.1 address book
KRONOLITH 1.0 web based calendar
tmda 0.56
and the grand poobah QADMIN-TMDA 0.49-3

I didn't include about 15 minor packages that were required before some of these others would install, but I found them all in the OpenBSD package list so they were easy installs.

I'll be starting to test TMDA spam blocking tomorrow...but if it works as advertised I should go from 100+ spams a day to nil. :) Gotta love it.

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