I am new to CR on the web, have used it in local applications. I am trying to use it to create an application for a user to print with data they have already entered.
I have successfully created a MS Access table record with the data on it. I have also created a report using a data definition file. My SQL is working and only returns the 1 record. When the report is displayed, only the headers are there, there is no data. How do I push the data from the SQL to the report? Below is a sample of the code.....This was basically taken from the sample code on the CR site.
MYSQL = "SELECT lastname, firstname, appnum "
mysql = mysql & "FROM report WHERE AppNum = '" & request.querystring("appnum"
& "'"
set rstemp = conn.execute(mysql)
set session("oRs"
= rstemp
.SQLQueryString = CStr(rstemp)
On Error Resume Next
I have successfully created a MS Access table record with the data on it. I have also created a report using a data definition file. My SQL is working and only returns the 1 record. When the report is displayed, only the headers are there, there is no data. How do I push the data from the SQL to the report? Below is a sample of the code.....This was basically taken from the sample code on the CR site.
MYSQL = "SELECT lastname, firstname, appnum "
mysql = mysql & "FROM report WHERE AppNum = '" & request.querystring("appnum"
set rstemp = conn.execute(mysql)
set session("oRs"
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