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Pulling text into Excel from SQL text field with Collation

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Mar 16, 2009

I have a text field(notes) in SQL Server that has the Collation set to <database default>. When I query the notes field I get the notes text along with the collation info.

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg 2;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs17 test comments are here

I need to pull the notes into an Excel spreadsheet without all of the collation info (I want to end up with "test comments are here" from the above example), but haven't had much luck. I tried using the Mid function when getting the data over to excel to omit this data, but it is not consistently the same length throughout all of my records. I don't think a substring function in by SQL statement would work either because I the collation data doesn't always ends with "fs17". Is there a way to strip out the collation info in a SQL query? If not, is there a way to do this once I get the data into Excel/VBA code?
Any ideas for a solution would be appreciated.

That is NOT collation information. What you are seeing is Rich Text Formating information. This stuff can include fonts, colors, etc.....

I don't really know a good way to get rid of RTF formating, but rest assured, it is NOT collation information.


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