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Pulling Data from a Database is slow

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Jul 20, 2002

I'm working in an ASP page premade (for another guy), so I'm trying to improve it. I realize that, He show a Query from two tables (cross reference) and it's very slow (the Query)... the maximun number of records in the query I've seen, is 61. He make multiple query's to the same table... I don't know why.

Is there a way to make the query faster?
Or, do you think I need to improve this multiquery?
Or, Do you know why is too slow?


Sorry, about this stoopid thread, but it's 8:30 pm and i'm dizzy after 9 hours working in this "beauty" page...

[morning] [pc3]

Follow the dark side, so you can reach the light. [/color}
61 rows returned is nothing and should execute immediately.

show the code...

try { succeed(); } catch(E) { tryAgain(); }
here is the code: Any advice, no problem.
Sorry, is Spanish

<%@LANGUAGE=&quot;VBSCRIPT&quot; CODEPAGE=&quot;1252&quot;%>

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=iso-8859-1&quot;>

<% Server.ScriptTimeOut = 1000 %>
<table width=&quot;100%&quot; border=&quot;1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>

					<% 'Crear Fechas %>

	<%  fecha_Ini=Request.form(&quot;ex4&quot;)
		puesto = request.Form(&quot;puesto&quot;)
		templeado = request.Form(&quot;templeado&quot;)
	  	all_emp = templeado
	  	all_puesto = puesto
		response.Write(f_ini) & &quot;<br>&quot;
	  	response.Write(f_fin) & &quot;<br>&quot;


      <% 'Asignar fechas Inicial y Final a Variables %>
      <% f_ini = Fecha_Ini %>
      <% f_fin = Fecha_Fin%>
      <% 'Query para consultar Fechas %>
       Response.write &quot;Fecha Ini: &quot; & f_ini
       Response.Write &quot; Fecha Fin: &quot; & f_fin 

		set conn=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
			constr = &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=&quot; & Server.MapPath(&quot;personal.mdb&quot;) & &quot;;Persist Security Info=False&quot;
			conn.Open constr
		set rs_f=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.recordset&quot;)
			sqltxt_f = &quot;select distinct(fecha) as fec from regent where fecha >='&quot;& f_ini&&quot;' and fecha <='&quot;& f_fin&&quot;' order by regent.fecha&quot;
			rs_f.Open sqltxt_f, conn,1,2
		    Response.Write &quot;Fecha: &quot; & rs_f.RecordCount & &quot;<br>&quot;
      <% 'Query para contar los registros %>
		set rs_cuenta=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.recordset&quot;)
			sqltxt_cuenta = &quot;select count(id_regent) as cuenta_rgs from regent where fecha >='&quot;& f_ini&&quot;' and fecha <='&quot;& f_fin&&quot;'&quot;
			rs_cuenta.Open sqltxt_cuenta, conn, 1, 2
			cuenta_fecs = rs_cuenta.fields(&quot;cuenta_rgs&quot;)
			Response.Write &quot;RsCuenta: &quot; & rs_cuenta.RecordCount & &quot;<br>&quot;
      	<% 'Llenar encabezados con fechas de cada dia %>
		<% if rs_cuenta.fields(&quot;cuenta_rgs&quot;) = 0 then %>
				<tr bgcolor=&quot;#CCCCCC&quot;> 
					<td rowspan=&quot;2&quot; bordercolor=&quot;2&quot;> <div align=&quot;center&quot;><font color=&quot;#990000&quot;>Nombre del Empleado</font></div></td>
					<% rs_f.movefirst %>
					<%do until rs_f.eof%>
						<td colspan=&quot;3&quot; bordercolor=&quot;2&quot;> <div align=&quot;center&quot;><font color=&quot;#990000&quot;><%response.Write(rs_f.fields(&quot;fec&quot;))%></font></div><br></td>
				<tr bgcolor=&quot;#CCCCCC&quot;> 		
					<% rs_f.movefirst %>
					<%do until rs_f.eof%>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; bordercolor=&quot;2&quot;> <div align=&quot;center&quot;><font color=&quot;#990000&quot;>Entrada</font></div></td>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; bordercolor=&quot;2&quot;> <div align=&quot;center&quot;><font color=&quot;#990000&quot;>Salida</font></div></td>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; bordercolor=&quot;2&quot;> <div align=&quot;center&quot;><font color=&quot;#990000&quot;>Justificado</font></div></td>
			<% 'Seleccionar Empleados deacuerdo a fechas seleccionadas %>
	        <% If all_emp = &quot;todos&quot; then all_emp= &quot;%&quot;
	           If all_puesto = &quot;todos&quot; then all_puesto= &quot;%&quot;
	    		set rs_nom=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.recordset&quot;)
				sqltxt_nom = &quot;SELECT d_gen.cod, d_gen.apat, d_gen.amat, d_gen.nom, d_gen.templeado, d_gen.puesto, regent.fecha &quot; _
						   & &quot;FROM regent RIGHT JOIN d_gen ON regent.cod = d_gen.cod &quot; _
						   & &quot;GROUP BY d_gen.cod, d_gen.apat, d_gen.amat, d_gen.nom, d_gen.templeado, d_gen.puesto, regent.fecha &quot; _
						   & &quot;HAVING (((d_gen.templeado) Like '&quot; & all_emp & &quot;') AND ((d_gen.puesto) Like '&quot; & all_puesto & &quot;') AND ((regent.fecha)>='&quot; & f_ini & &quot;'And (regent.fecha)<='&quot; & f_fin & &quot;')) &quot; _
						   & &quot;ORDER BY d_gen.apat, d_gen.amat, d_gen.nom&quot;
				rs_nom.Open sqltxt_nom, conn, 1, 2
				Response.Write sqltxt_nom & &quot;<br>&quot;
			    Response.Write all_emp & &quot; &quot; & all_puesto & &quot;<br>&quot;
                cuen_per = rs_nom.Recordcount
                Response.Write (cuen_per) & &quot;<br>&quot;
			'Query para contar los registros 

	 end if %>							<% 'Llena columna de nombres de Empleados %>

	<% if cuen_per = 0 then %>
      <td bordercolor=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot; colspan=&quot;<%= &quot;&quot;& cuenta_fecs&&quot;&quot; %>&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;><div align=&quot;center&quot;><font color=&quot;#FF0000&quot; size=&quot;4&quot;>¡No se encontraron 
          registros deacuerdo a los criterios seleccionados!</font></div></td>
      <td bordercolor=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot; colspan=&quot;<%= &quot;&quot;& cuenta_fecs&&quot;&quot; %>&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;><div align=&quot;center&quot;><font color=&quot;#FF0000&quot; size=&quot;4&quot;><a href=&quot;JavaScript:history.back()&quot; ><font color=&quot;#000000&quot; size=&quot;4&quot;>Regresar...</font></a> </font></div></td>
					<% 'Desplegar Hora de Entrada y Hora de Salida %>

	<% rs_nom.movefirst %>
	<% do until rs_nom.eof %>
		<% codigo_hora = rs_nom.fields(&quot;cod&quot;) %>
		<tr bgcolor=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;> 
			<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; bordercolor=&quot;2&quot;> <div align=&quot;left&quot;><font color=&quot;#000000&quot;><%response.Write(rs_nom.fields(&quot;nom&quot;))%> <%response.Write(rs_nom.fields(&quot;apat&quot;))%> <%response.Write(rs_nom.fields(&quot;amat&quot;))%></font></div></td>
			<% rs_f.movefirst %>
			<% do until rs_f.eof %>
				<% fecha_hora = rs_f.fields(&quot;fec&quot;) %>
				<% fecha_hora = cdate(fecha_hora) %>		
					set rs_h_max=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.recordset&quot;)
					sqltxt_h_max = &quot;select  max(regent.hora) as h_max from d_gen, regent where d_gen.cod = regent.cod and d_gen.cod = '&quot;& codigo_hora&&quot;' and cdate(regent.fecha) = '&quot;& fecha_hora&&quot;'&quot;			
					rs_h_max.Open sqltxt_h_max, conn
					hora_max_primera = rs_h_max.fields(&quot;h_max&quot;)
					set rs_h_min=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.recordset&quot;)
					sqltxt_h_min = &quot;select  min(regent.hora) as h_min  from d_gen, regent where d_gen.cod = regent.cod and d_gen.cod = '&quot;& codigo_hora&&quot;' and cdate(regent.fecha) = '&quot;& fecha_hora&&quot;'&quot;			
					rs_h_min.Open sqltxt_h_min, conn
					hora_min_primera = rs_h_min.fields(&quot;h_min&quot;)
					set rs_justifica=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.recordset&quot;)
					sqltxt_justifica = &quot;select  distinct(justifica) as c_justifica  from d_gen, regent where d_gen.cod = regent.cod and d_gen.cod = '&quot;& codigo_hora&&quot;' and cdate(regent.fecha) = '&quot;& fecha_hora&&quot;'&quot;			
					rs_justifica.Open sqltxt_justifica, conn

					cuenta_justifica = rs_justifica.fields(&quot;c_justifica&quot;)

				<% rs_justifica.movefirst %>
				<% fondo = &quot;#FFFFFF&quot; %>
				<% just = &quot;&quot; %>
				<% do until rs_justifica.eof %>
				<% If rs_justifica.fields(&quot;c_justifica&quot;) = 1 Then %>
				<% fondo = &quot;#009933&quot; %>
				<% just = &quot;justificado&quot; %>
				<% Else %>
				<% End If %>
				<% rs_justifica.movenext %>
				<% loop %>
				<% If hora_max_primera <> &quot;&quot; and hora_min_primera <> &quot;&quot; Then %>
					<% If cdate(hora_max_primera) > cdate(hora_min_primera) Then %>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot;> <div align=&quot;left&quot;><font color=&quot;#000000&quot;><%response.Write(rs_h_min.fields(&quot;h_min&quot;))%> </font></div></td>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; > <div align=&quot;left&quot;><font color=&quot;#000000&quot;><%response.Write(rs_h_max.fields(&quot;h_max&quot;))%> </font></div></td>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; bgcolor=&quot;<%= &quot;&quot;& fondo&&quot;&quot; %>&quot;> <div align=&quot;left&quot;><font color=&quot;#000000&quot;> <%=just%></font></div></td>
					<% Else %>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; > <div align=&quot;left&quot;><font color=&quot;#000000&quot;><%response.Write(rs_h_max.fields(&quot;h_max&quot;))%> </font></div></td>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; > <div align=&quot;left&quot;><font color=&quot;#000000&quot;><%response.Write(rs_h_min.fields(&quot;h_min&quot;))%> </font></div></td>
						<td colspan=&quot;1&quot; bgcolor=&quot;<%= &quot;&quot;& fondo&&quot;&quot; %>&quot;> <div align=&quot;left&quot;><font color=&quot;#000000&quot;> <%=just%></font></div></td>
					<% End If %>
				<% Else %>
				<% End If %>

		<% rs_f.movenext %>	
		<% loop %>
	<% rs_nom.movenext %>		
	<% loop %>
  <%end if%>


Follow the dark side, so you can reach the light. [/color}
The Table Regent has 26,742 more or less, maybe that is the problem.... [thumbsup]

Regent table is used to save employees' arrive (check) and employees' left, so is very huge... I think I need to work on that.

whatever, tell me any idea


Follow the dark side, so you can reach the light. [/color}
from what i understand, &quot;select distinct&quot; is a very costly operation.

it also looks like you have some database calls inside some nested loops, which can multiply quickly into thousands of database calls per page hit depending on how many results are in rs_nom and rs_f

i had a situation like this where nested loops caused about 250,000 calls to the db per page hit...i cut it down to about a hundred by getting one large recordset and filtering server-side if necessary. rendering time for the page dropped from 1.5 minutes to 13 seconds.

try { succeed(); } catch(E) { tryAgain(); }
ok... just now, I'm working in cut down some querys... and make a Larger recordset... what do you mean with &quot;filtering server-side if necessary&quot;?

Follow the dark side, so you can reach the light. [/color}
ok... just now, I'm working in cut down some querys... and make a Larger recordset... what do you mean with &quot;filtering server-side if necessary&quot;?


Follow the dark side, so you can reach the light. [/color}
you can use rs.filter to filter a recordset without going back to the server: just assign it a valid sql where clause without the word &quot;where&quot;

set rs = conn.execute(&quot;select * from bigTable&quot;)
rs.filter = &quot;f_name = 'joe'&quot;
rs.filter = &quot;l_name = 'smith'&quot;

to remove the filter, use
rs.filter = 0
or (from adovbs.inc)
rs.filter = adFilterNone

try { succeed(); } catch(E) { tryAgain(); }
&quot;He make multiple query's to the same table... I don't know why&quot;
how else would you join-display-querry related tabels that have split info on the same record?

have you looked at using StoredProcedures to create/filter recordsets and execute them on the &quot;server side&quot; vs. having ASP pages process SQL statements?
also what Juanjo said:
cut down on ASP+HTML+ASP+HTML code blocks switching IF possible keep the VBScript_ASP blocks together (ASP+HTML); also remove the mix of:
</font></div></td> if not necessary....maybe use 1 CSS that will remeder faster
...I guess we are talking about &quot;good&quot; vs. &quot;bad&quot; programming habbits!
All the Best!
Yes, I agree with u, lebisol!... I'm fixin' it right now,

Jemminger: I deleted the 'distinct' statement and works better.. time is 2-3 secs... Thanx. Also, i made only 3 recordsets... sometimes the solution is only a word, but is difficult to find it whitout help.

This Forum is the Best! I have made a lot of threads and I have learned a lot from all you, &quot;the experts&quot;.

Thanks partners!


Follow the dark side, so you can reach the light. [/color}
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