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Protecting a linked tables info 2

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Nov 28, 2001
I have a main database that gathers info for 5 other dB's. I link into the main dB from the 5 other. I want the 5 other to be able to access the info in the main tables but I don't want them to be able to change the data in the main table. Any suggestions?

Sounds like a good use for ADO

Access the central database using ADO Recordsets and as long as you don't write any rst.Update instructions then they can't write to the central database.

If you're not up to Access 2000 then how about applying the MSAccess security model to the central database and only give the Users read privlidges and restrict the modify & delete privlidges?


I am using 97. I tried to use Access Security but I had a hard time getting it to work correctly. Do you have any suggestions or tips on how to use Access 97 security?

<i>Do you have any suggestions or tips on how to use Access 97 security? </i>

From my experience it involves LOTS of coffee ( or something stronger ) and NOT using the Wizard.

I finally cracked it by getting a copy of an existing database and sticking it out of the way in a demo folder and playing with it,
experimenting with the settings,
writing down each thing I did and each password I entered,
re-reading the help files,
deleting the whole thing when I found I'd removed my own privlidges to do anything !
and starting again a few times.

Carefully read the bits about the .mdw file and make sure you understand which bits of the security settings are stored in the .mdw files and which bits are stored in the .mdb itself. You'll then suddenly realise why the &quot;User & Group Permissions&quot; and the &quot;User & Group Accounts&quot; information is entered in two different dialogue boxes.

Good Luck,

Ok I played around and I have setup my .mdw and I have users. Everything works. Now I have another problem... I broke this big dB up into the parts I was talking about above. The guy that actually designed this application doesn't work here anymore and can't be contacted. He has a .mdw file and security setup as well. So, when someone else tries to login and they are in his .mdw then they bypass the security that I have. Or at least that is what I think because I know whose in his file. Questions:

1. Can I delete his file without messing up the dB and just use my security. (This is on a network server) Because I really don't know what he has linked to this security file!

2. If no on the above, any suggestions?


&#65279;Been there, done that. In the long run, you are better off starting from scratch and the end
product will be much better. JUST a suggestion.

Using your security file, make a blank .mdb file (database)

Import all the objects including the menus and MAKE SURE THE DATABASE IS LINKED TO
THE BACK-END WHEN YOU IMPORT or you code will be de-compiled

Now you are the DB owner and you can set securities. Move the old one to a disc and rename
the new one the same name and off you go.

Now that you are the new DB owner, admin is easier.

Good response heehaw - Thats clarified someting that was niggling in the back of my mind as well. So have a 'helpful star'.

As usual though, it has raised another question.
I've Imported Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports & Modules but I've never seen anywhere where I could import MENUS. Yet you mention it in the previous post. How is this done ?

And while we're on the subject - is there any way of importing the relationship LAYOUT ?

There's an option in the IMPORT OBJECTS dialog (Options Button) that expands the dialog box, and then you can check off to make sure that menus, toolbars and import specs come along..

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