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Property Database doesn't store all properties

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Sep 11, 2002
I use a property database to store a few simple records. I create records using CeWriteRecordProps and read them back out using CeReadRecordProps. CeReadRecordProps gives me back fewer properties that I'm writing out. Some properties are missing. I see in searching various messageboards that others have had this problem, but nobody has explained how they got past this.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions


P.S. I will post the exact code here later.
I got it working by writing only a few properties at a time.
This example writes 2 records. There ought to be a better way to do it, but this works. Here is the code:

//write a full record to the dispatch database
CEPROPVAL propval[5];
CEOID ceoidRec;

propval[0].propid = DISPATCHPID_PHONE;
propval[0].val.lpwstr = _T("423-6666");
propval[1].propid = DISPATCHPID_ADDRESS;
propval[1].val.lpwstr = _T("16 apple");
propval[2].propid = DISPATCHPID_NAME;
propval[2].val.lpwstr = _T("mike douglas");
//dispatch id
propval[3].propid = DISPATCHPID_ID;
propval[3].val.lpwstr = _T("new id 222");
//time of arrival
propval[4].propid = DISPATCHPID_ETA;
propval[4].val.lpwstr = _T("05-15");
//write a few recs
ceoidRec = CeWriteRecordProps(hDB,
0, // write new record
5, // number of properties
//now write the rest
//pickup latitude
propval[0].propid = DISPATCHPID_PICKUPLAT;
propval[0].val.lpwstr = _T("155");
//pickup longitude
propval[1].propid = DISPATCHPID_PICKUPLON;
propval[1].val.lpwstr = _T("255");
//dropoff lat
propval[2].propid = DISPATCHPID_DROPOFFLAT;
propval[2].val.lpwstr = _T("355");
//dropoff lat
propval[3].propid = DISPATCHPID_DROPOFFLON;
propval[3].val.lpwstr = _T("455");
ceoidRec = CeWriteRecordProps(hDB,
ceoidRec, // write new rec
4, // number of properties
//Write another record
propval[0].propid = DISPATCHPID_PHONE;
propval[0].val.lpwstr = _T("785-6666");
propval[1].propid = DISPATCHPID_ADDRESS;
propval[1].val.lpwstr = _T("16 pear");
propval[2].propid = DISPATCHPID_NAME;
propval[2].val.lpwstr = _T("maury");
//dispatch id
propval[3].propid = DISPATCHPID_ID;
propval[3].val.lpwstr = _T("nid 000");
ceoidRec = CeWriteRecordProps(hDB,
0, // write new record
4, // number of properties
//time of arrival
propval[4].propid = DISPATCHPID_ETA;
propval[4].val.lpwstr = _T("20-48");
//pickup latitude
propval[5].propid = DISPATCHPID_PICKUPLAT;
propval[5].val.lpwstr = _T("15");
//pickup longitude
propval[7].propid = DISPATCHPID_PICKUPLON;
propval[7].val.lpwstr = _T("25");
//dropoff lat
propval[8].propid = DISPATCHPID_DROPOFFLAT;
propval[8].val.lpwstr = _T("35");
//dropoff lat
propval[9].propid = DISPATCHPID_DROPOFFLON;
propval[9].val.lpwstr = _T("45");

ceoidRec = CeWriteRecordProps(hDB,
ceoidRec, // write new rec
5, // number of properties
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