HELP! Running XP Pro on two WD 36GB Raptors in Stripe mode from the Serial connectors on an MSI-6702 motherboard. After 3 years of trouble-free operation would like to transfer XP Pro and all my programs and data to a single drive. Bought a single WD Caviar SE16 SATA 7200RPM 250GB drive for that purpose and thought I could drive it from a SATA connector on the motherboard but the drive is not seen in CMOS or My Computer and SCSI & RAID Controllers in Device Manager lists the two controllers but with a yellow error indicator in front of the SATA controller. My intention was to move everything from the RAID drives to the single drive, then disable the RAID setup, but didn't want to do that until I was sure the single drive was working well.
QUESTION: Am I trying to do the impossible having the RAID drives from the Serial connectors and the single drive from a SATA connector enabled at the same time? Thought I would be able to make a selection from within CMOS. Must I disable the RAID setup before being able to see the single drive? The drive shipped without jumpers and see nothing that says one must be installed. Are they a factor?
QUESTION: Am I trying to do the impossible having the RAID drives from the Serial connectors and the single drive from a SATA connector enabled at the same time? Thought I would be able to make a selection from within CMOS. Must I disable the RAID setup before being able to see the single drive? The drive shipped without jumpers and see nothing that says one must be installed. Are they a factor?