I picked up an old 6500 with quad ppro/1Mb cpus to play with and would like to try a little linux on her but it says that 3 cpu's aren't functioning. I get a 212 error on slot 9 cpu 1 & 2 and slot 10 cpu 1. Then it ok's slot 10 cpu 2 and boots. If I swap the cpu cards in 9 and 10 I get the same error with only cpu 2 in slot 10 working. On 2 occasions I did get all 4 cpu's but that's out of about 40 boots. The power modules are all in place and have no red led's lit up either. Any ideas? I read one post about doing a fulll disassembly anddust out so I'll probably try that next. Oh, one of the fans for the pci slots is bad too, gives me a 1611, but both cpu fans look fine