During the Build of a application from a Project any errors encountered are normally logged in a text file named with the project name and a '.err' extension (i.e. project1.err). I have used these text file error logs many times in the past. However, during the build of my current project I received a dialog box indicating a file or directory could not be found (not very helpful). When I looked for the error log to get more information (i.e. which file could not be found), I could not find it. I have searched the entire disk with Explorer's Search and it does not exist anywhere on the disk.
I have found only one option relative to the error log. It is located on the build menu and it allows automatic display of the error log at the end of the build. I have switched that option on, but still no error log.
Any ideas as to why I'm not getting the .err text file?
I have found only one option relative to the error log. It is located on the build menu and it allows automatic display of the error log at the end of the build. I have switched that option on, but still no error log.
Any ideas as to why I'm not getting the .err text file?