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Progress Odbc Php

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Technical User
Nov 22, 2002
HI all

Ive a pc with win98 apache mysql and php...and i would like to connect it with a progress databas on a linux machine...

I know there is odbc driver ...openlink merant dataconnect

but what is the best and the simple to use.?

What i need to established this connecxion.? ive heard about client network progress???

After this conenxion is done can i use requete like this :
select * from ...., insert into..., like for mysql...
or i must use the progress language : for each ....
Hi French,
If you use the network client then you should be able to connect to the database, as long as you know what the service name is or port number that was specified at the server and using pf/ini files for the connection. In progress you can use some sql syntax but you'll discover that you can't use all of it, just the basics mainly (eg select * from .... where ....) also if you plan to use the editor then I suggest you get Provision instead of the client cause the client doesn't have editor access. With the Provision you won't neccessarily need the pf/ini files. You can use the "connect" command in the editor. But to let you know I do use Openlink for my Cognos reporting, I find this reporting more user friendly to non sql programmers like myself I only know the basics so far. Hope this was helpful.

Regards, Carmelo Brual (IT Specialist)
Progress DBA
Cognos Impromptu Administrator
Cognos Impromptu Reporting
Thanks for your answer...
the probleme for its that the previou informaticienhave lost the cd for the client networks installation.??

I think i ll try the OpenLink ODBC ..
How i can know the port of Progress Database....
Ive look the services file..but i havent see the port number..?

Thanks :)
Hi French,
It depends what version you are using. If you are using V8 or older, then startup the procontrol and view the database you are trying to connect to. You should see in the parameters an "-S" with a name or number, if it's a name then that name has to be in the services file on that server. If not then added and give it a port number. If you are using V9 then you need to go into the progress explore tool. Expand the database you need to connect to, the last icon right click and select properties and there you should see a field indicated services. Once again this can be a number or name.

Regards, Carmelo Brual (IT Specialist)
Progress DBA
Cognos Impromptu Administrator
Cognos Impromptu Reporting
thanks for your answer ...ive resolve my pb...
another question ..??

is it possible to established a connexion to Mysql from progress...
in order to use simple sql commande like selet inset update

I havn't connected to an SQL server before so I don't know to much about it, but I did get this info from Progress and it looks like you need V9.x and up in order for you to connect, but you can use V8.x to copy data over to an SQL server. Hope this helps.


This solution discusses which Progress versions support connectivity
to the Microsoft SQL Server dataserver and how to migrate a Progress
database to MS SQL Server.


Progress ships an ODBC dataserver that allows Webspeed Version 2.1
applications to access a Microsoft SQL Server database. You can find
documentation for this dataserver if you bring up the Webspeed
Workshop and clicking 'help' to view a list of all of the available
on-line documents.

The MS SQL Server database is supported on the following Progress

- Webspeed 2.1 with ODBC Dataserver.

- Version 9.1A05 and Version 9.0 with ODBC Dataserver.

- Version 9.1B with Dataserver for MS SQL Server.

The Version 8.x 4GL client does show some options for the MS SQL
Server dataserver via the Data Disctionary but they are not supported
or recommended for use. If you have issues with the Progress 4GL and
access to a MS SQL Server dataserver in Version 8.x, you will not
receive technical support unless you can reproduce the problem with
the WebSpeed client.

Follow these steps to migrate a Progress database to MS SQL Server:

1) Go to the dictionary > data admin > PRO/SQL menu.

2) Select 'Dump as Create table'.

3) Select the tables that you want to migrate.

This tool generates a file that can be run in the MS SQL
client to create your MS SQL Server database. The tool does
not migrate the data.

4) Connect to your new MS SQL Server database with Webspeed
Version 2.1 (in Progress Version 9.x, you are able to connect
with the 4GL client) and write code to create the records.

(Remote connections are not available until Version 9.x.)

5) Move the data over to MS SQL Server Database.

NOTE: Do not use any Data Dictionary options for MS SQL Server
utilities. They are not supported or recommended.
For more information on how to connect to your MS SQL Server database
from WebSpeed, please refer to the MS SQL Server dataserver document
that is provided in the on-line help for the Webspeed product.

NOTE: The following connection parameters are required:


NOTE: Turn on two-phase commit at the Intersolv driver level when you
create your datasource in the ODBC Administrator. This option is
available under the Advanced tab (refer to the ODBC Dataserver Guide,
Appendix A for more information about these settings).
Carmelo Brual (IT Specialist)
Progress DBA
Cognos Impromptu Administrator
Cognos Impromptu Reporting

thanks for your answer...Ive only the version 8.x so its seem not good

I work with MySQL....
Iwill find another solution thanks for your Help. :)
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