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Program crashes - visual fox pro database

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Dec 29, 2003
werid one here, I have programmed a routine to have a timer that is set to run a specific procedure every 5 minutes. Problem is the program for some reason crashs out from time to time within a loop.

I know that the error is not occuring when I open the table but it maybe the way I am opening it (if you know what I mean).

Below is a small piece of code:

cnn1.Open "Provider=vfpoledb;" & _
"Data Source=" & mstrPath & ";Mode=ReadWrite"

Set rstCons = New ADODB.Recordset

With rstCons
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open mstrSQLCode, cnn1, , , adCmdText

....Later on
End With

Users are in the database at the time but not ness. in the record at that time.

Any Ideas?
Any idea what line of code is causing the crash?

I used to rock and roll every night and party every day. Then it was every other day. Now I'm lucky if I can find 30 minutes a week in which to get funky. - Homer Simpson
No but I'm personally guessing on the .update
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