have the following setup:
Profile Roaming to Centralized server.
Folder Redirection - Start Menu applied to Server1.
User login to server1 the Start Menu is redirected to M:\Documents and Settings\Custom_Start_Menu
When user logout this information is saved to centralized server via profile roaming.
When user login to server2, the same Folder Redirection applied in Server2 but in server2 there is no folder M:\Documents and Settings\Custom_Start_Menu.
Due to this users not able to launch 'All Program' because, server2 was trying to open M:\Documents and Settings\Custom_Start_Menu which dont exist in this server.
At setting for Folder redirection - Start Mene for Policy Removal is set to 'Leave the folder in the new location when policy is removed' is selected.
Will the above situation can be over come by selecting 'Redirect the folder back to the local userprofile location when policy is removed.'?
FYI, Target Folder location is 'Redirect to the following location'.
Profile Roaming to Centralized server.
Folder Redirection - Start Menu applied to Server1.
User login to server1 the Start Menu is redirected to M:\Documents and Settings\Custom_Start_Menu
When user logout this information is saved to centralized server via profile roaming.
When user login to server2, the same Folder Redirection applied in Server2 but in server2 there is no folder M:\Documents and Settings\Custom_Start_Menu.
Due to this users not able to launch 'All Program' because, server2 was trying to open M:\Documents and Settings\Custom_Start_Menu which dont exist in this server.
At setting for Folder redirection - Start Mene for Policy Removal is set to 'Leave the folder in the new location when policy is removed' is selected.
Will the above situation can be over come by selecting 'Redirect the folder back to the local userprofile location when policy is removed.'?
FYI, Target Folder location is 'Redirect to the following location'.