I have a Large M1 system with Motoralas (25.40 I think) that I am working on upgrading to a CS1K 7.5. With that being said, I have about 200 Wireless sets that are being used. The plan is to "Bring back" all the Wireless handsets to the cradle and reset to use DHCP ~ So, more to the story~ (1) Sig server, 4 MG Cards. the current Node ID is 1. The Upgrade also has a CS1000B for DR ~ New node id's will be (4) digits, Say CS1K= Node 0100 and the Branch CS1000B Node 0200 (that is for example only)~ The client wants to get the Wireless Component done first with the Node Change then , a couple weeks later upgrade the Cores and periphials to 7.5 add a second sig server plus more media gateways. The upgrade path is pretty certain and all the caveats worked out~ What I am looking for is a high level overview (step by step) of Deleting the Node, then Programming all the devices in the New Node
Example : Delete MG'S
Delete CS'S
Delete SS
Delete Node
Build Node
Deploy SS
Deploy CS
Deploy MG'S
Not sure if this is correct? Is an INI of the CS'S Required Also ?
Thank You
Example : Delete MG'S
Delete CS'S
Delete SS
Delete Node
Build Node
Deploy SS
Deploy CS
Deploy MG'S
Not sure if this is correct? Is an INI of the CS'S Required Also ?
Thank You