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Problems with Quark for make PDFs 2

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Technical User
Jul 16, 2003
Hello everybody!!
I work in a little newspaper, and I need help with the PDF´s.
On Quark I go yo File/Print. I select Acrobat Distiller and I make the PDFs I need. But this week something stange happen. Distiller make the PDFs, but all of them has created with this message in a notepad:
Processing prologue.ps...
Done processing prologue.ps.
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Error: Helvetica not found. Font cannot be embedded. ]%%
%%[ Page: 1 ]%%
%%[ LastPage ]%%
Processing epilogue.ps...
Done processing epilogue.ps.

I don´t know why, because I don´t use Helvetica font on my document.
I use W98, QuarkXpress 4.1, Acrobat 4.0.

And another thing that this week it´s different is:
The machine make the PDF, but acrobat don´t opens itself for let me look the new PDF. I have to make that myself. In acrobat distiller preferences I have select: View PDF when using Distiller Printer. So I don´t understand why Distiller don´t show me the PDF automaticly.

I hope somebody can help me, because nobody here knows what can I do. I think maybe reinstall Acrobat distiller.
What you think?

Thanks a lot and sorry about my English :)
Could Helvetica be embedded in one of your placed graphics?

- - picklefish - -
Is Helvetica your selected font in the 'normal' character style sheet? If so, an empty text box (which by default will be set to use the 'normal' style sheet) may be causing the problem.
First: thank you Jimoblack and sharkboots for your answers.
My placed graphics are all TIFF, so I don´t think so that can be the problem. And the font selected in "normal" character style is Arial.
And the problem happens with all the pages (32).
I wait more comments because I don´t know why this it´s happening.
Thanks a lot Everybody!!
Have you checked your master page(s) using /usage/fonts to see if Helvetica has crept in univited?

Or perhaps the Distiller job options have been set to always embed Helvetica?

It is also (slightly) possible that you have a type1 font naming clash, and that you are using a font with the same postscript name as Helvetica. This is very unlikely.
Hey Sharkboots!! Thanks a lot!! I think maybe can be:
Distiller job options have been set to always embed Helvetica?

The answer is yes. I put all the fonts in the box for always embed, because month ago I had some problems. Problems I correct with the help in this foro, on last posts. And just in case I put all the fonts in the right box: always embed.
I´m going to try your advice.
Thanks a lot!!
Ok this are my proofs:
I put out from the box always embed the font Helvetica and when I make the PDF this was the notepad:
Processing prologue.ps...
Done processing prologue.ps.
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Error: Helvetica not found. Font cannot be embedded. ]%%
%%[ Page: 1 ]%%
%%[ LastPage ]%%
Processing epilogue.ps...
Done processing epilogue.ps.
So I try to put Helvetica on Never embed and this was the notepad:
Processing prologue.ps...
Done processing prologue.ps.
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Page: 1 ]%%
%%[ LastPage ]%%
Processing epilogue.ps...
Done processing epilogue.ps.

I don´t understand this. It means the problem it´s ok now? Because last weeks when I make the PDFs and they was ok no notepads appears. And now notepads appears always!!

See u
922278560 (TechnicalUser) Jul 17, 2003
Ok this are my proofs:
I put out from the box always embed the font Helvetica and when I make the PDF this was the notepad:
Processing prologue.ps...
Done processing prologue.ps.
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Error: Helvetica not found. Font cannot be embedded. ]%%
%%[ Page: 1 ]%%
%%[ LastPage ]%%
Processing epilogue.ps...
Done processing epilogue.ps.
So I try to put Helvetica on Never embed and this was the notepad:
Processing prologue.ps...
Done processing prologue.ps.
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Page: 1 ]%%
%%[ LastPage ]%%
Processing epilogue.ps...
Done processing epilogue.ps.

I don´t understand this. It means the problem it´s ok now? Because last weeks when I make the PDFs and they was ok no notepads appears. And now notepads appears always!!

See u
I don´t understand, I´m new in this foros. I have write one new post and It doesn´t appears????
Another thing now it´s different it´s:
When I´m going to make the PDF in the last times alwayas happen this:
On my screen, down-left, appears one icon with a printer, and then one red icon similar to a red star (distiller icon)

But now this week The red icon don´t appears.
This is maybe the why Acrobat don´t open automacly for let me see the PDF.

I'm not sure what is happening here. I have noticed in the past is that when Distiller encounters an error the print job doesn't fully clear itself from the system. The next time you print, things might not go exactly as you expect because of the remnants of the old error. If your pdf seems OK and no errors are reported I wouldn't be too concerned.

The folks on the Acrobat forum may be able to give you a firmer steer on this if things don't sort themselves out.
Helvetica is probably the default font for Quark. So even if you don't use Helvetica in your Quark file, Distiller will still look for it.

You simply need to direct Distiller to where Helvetica resides on your computer. Open Distiller and go to the Settings menu. Select the Font Locations command. You will be presented with a dialog. Click the Add button. Select the folder where your fonts reside and click the Choose button. Add each font folder that you have. Also, be sure to add the Font folder that resides in the Acrobat/Resource folders to this list. This should solve your problem.


Thanks a lot to the people here in the forums. Today I make all the PDFs for the printers.
Tomorrow I´m going to study this subject.
And sorry because I writte two times the same post.
Thankiu thankiu ;-) :) ;-) :)
I have similar problems creating pdfs in quark (5.0 for Mac). I work for a printing company. Often times when we receive a job in quark, we attempt to produce pdf files for output to an imagesetter. We use suitcase to load fonts. After creating a post script and attempting to distill it, Many times I get an error message like this:

%%[ Error: Chicago not found. Font cannot be embedded. ]%%
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: findfont ]%%


%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

even though the font is open and quark is not flagging it as missing. I use the embed all fonts setting in distiller. This mostly occurs with True type fonts - especially the apple system fonts like comic sans and arial, etc. Sometimes they work and sometimes not. If anybody can offer a fix for this problem I will be eternaally grateful!

maybe you only have the screen fonts and not the printer fonts, or the links to these fonts in distiller are missing. try removing your list of font locations in distiller and relocating them.
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