I'm still a newbie and got a problem with a loop were I use Me.fieldname. I load a form where the user can fill in some fields. I read these fields one by one with Me.fieldname. I read those fieldnames in a loop.
The problem is that the user never can fill in all the fields at once (that's why I use the loop), but then I get fieldnames (not filled in yet) with the value "null".
And that's not accepted by access 2000.
Please let me know what to do !
See the code below :
Private Sub Form_Load()
Knop82.Tag = "Go"
InvestName = Me.NewInvestmentNaam
BudgetY = Me.NewBudgetJaar
InvestPurpose = Me.NewInvestmentDoel
Necess = Me.NewNecessity
InvestDescrip = Me.NewInvestmentDescription
TestDescrip = Me.NewTestDescription
Howtest = Me.NewHowTestingNow
InvestReal = Me.NewInvestmentRealisation
Loop Until Knop82.Tag = "Stop"
End Sub
The problem is that the user never can fill in all the fields at once (that's why I use the loop), but then I get fieldnames (not filled in yet) with the value "null".
And that's not accepted by access 2000.
Please let me know what to do !
See the code below :
Private Sub Form_Load()
Knop82.Tag = "Go"
InvestName = Me.NewInvestmentNaam
BudgetY = Me.NewBudgetJaar
InvestPurpose = Me.NewInvestmentDoel
Necess = Me.NewNecessity
InvestDescrip = Me.NewInvestmentDescription
TestDescrip = Me.NewTestDescription
Howtest = Me.NewHowTestingNow
InvestReal = Me.NewInvestmentRealisation
Loop Until Knop82.Tag = "Stop"
End Sub