I've got a problem with transfer-speeds over my home-LAN. I have two computers connected to each other using a 10/100 MBit Switch. A cable-modem is also connected via the switch. Both Computers get their IP-Adresses via DHCP and the Internet-Access from both Computers works fine.
The problem starts when I try to transfer files from one Computer to the other. Sometimes it works fine but most times they are transfered with very low speed. Usually only at the speed of the internet connection and not at 100 MBit (both Computers have 10/100 MBit-Cards build in).
I assume it is a configuration problem, but I don't know which one.
One possible problem could be, that one of the computers is a Laptop which is usually connected to our domain at work.
Any help would be appreciated.
The problem starts when I try to transfer files from one Computer to the other. Sometimes it works fine but most times they are transfered with very low speed. Usually only at the speed of the internet connection and not at 100 MBit (both Computers have 10/100 MBit-Cards build in).
I assume it is a configuration problem, but I don't know which one.
One possible problem could be, that one of the computers is a Laptop which is usually connected to our domain at work.
Any help would be appreciated.