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Problems with directioryIndex

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Technical User
Jul 27, 2004
Currently my apache is set up with

DirectoryIndex index.htm

I want to add to the directoryIndex index.php so I do.

DirectoryIndex index.htm index.php

when I restart apache and the log says.

[Wed Oct 12 11:36:40 2005] [notice] SIGHUP received. Attempting to restart
Syntax error on line 195 of /conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/modules/libphp4.so into server: Can't open file

Line 195 of the httpd.conf file is.

LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/libphp4.so

So I commented that line out and start apache and it started fine. Then I try to go to the index.php file and it doesn't know what to do with it because php module isn't loaded.

I tried to add just index.html and I am having the same problem.

What I'm I doing wrong??


Looks like Linux, but what distro ? And how you installed Apache and PHP ? From package or compiled your own ? The /usr/lib/apache/modules/libphp4.so file exist ?

What distro ?
it is actually openBSD.

How did you install Apache and PHP ?
It is bundled with the distro. I didn't compile it.

The /usr/lib/apache/modules/libphp4.so file exist?
I double checked and yes it does exist.

Thanks for the reply. I have no idea even where to begin with this. i gave all of the information that I have. If you need anything else to get me started let me know.


Does the apache user (apache or nobody) have read permission to /usr/lib/apache/modules/libphp4.so ?
I get -rwxr-xr-x

so it looks like everything should be able to execute it.

I also tested out php and it does work on the server.

Thanks for the replies. I wish i had a clue about this stuff but this is soo odd I have no idea where to start.

Ok, the web server runs with an ordinary user's permissions, but is started as root. So the modules can be loaded anyway.
[blue]master #[/blue] grep "^User\|^Group" httpd.conf
User nobody
Group #-1

[blue]master #[/blue] ls -l libphp*.so
----------  1 root root 2299044 Aug 18  2003 libphp4.so
----------  1 root root 5259387 Jun 23 15:05 libphp5.so
My best tip for now is corrupted file. Is it possible ?

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