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Problems powering up computer..begins to boot but then..

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Technical User
May 29, 2003
When I hit the power button, the computer begins to power up normally (all the fans run) but then after 2-3 secconds the power just shuts off. Then, when I try to hit the power button again nothing happens. If I unplug the actual power cord and then plug it back in and hit the power button it will begin to power up again but then dies and can not be powered up at all until the power cord is disconnected and plugged in again. The cycle repeats. After I have done the aforementioned about 25 times or more it will power up and boot normally. When this happens, all the fans are running and the computer functions normally. This is really weird. I'm thinking the power supply might be faulty or something might be loose. Iv'e tried using a different power strip, using different outlets, making sure everything was plugged in tightly. Any ideas?
Do you hear any post codes? that would indicate a problem?

I would try removing all the cards, harddrives, and memory

One at a time try adding these components to see if you get a sucessful post..let us know

It's been my policy to view the Internet not as an 'information highway,' but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies."
Have you added any new HW before this problem started?
No, No new HD have been added.

There are no beeping sounds, but begins to power up and then dies.
I once had a similar problem that was caused by a defective
power cord.

Try using a different one.

This could be caused by the CPU cooling not working and the computer shutting down to save the chip? This can be ruld out pretty easily by reseating the heatsink and checking the fan on it.

If you unplug all hardware except Graphics Card, RAM, CPU and try to power up then, if you get the same problem I would say it was most likely a faulty PSU, possbily CPU or Motherboard but not as likely.

Thats my best guess, HTH.
My feild experience with this type of problem relates to a faulty PSU.
CPU overheating causes this problem too, but usually the PC will boot and will run for several minutes before restarting or shutting down (when the CPU heats up).
If it restarts immediately it is usually the PSU. I've also had a couple of systems with faulty CD Rom that caused this problem.
Similar problem on a Compaq deskpro because the Heatsink and fan wasn't seated on the CPU, but i got post codes when this happened.
Hello lordhans,
I agree with Flashmedia. It also may be from a bad mobo. This symptom is typical of bad capasitors on the mobo. The capasitors are tall barrel shaped things. You can look at these to see if the tops are crowned or have burst. They should be flat. Sometimes the tops split and emmitt a hissing noise as well.
had same problem here.
Replace PSU


®º°¨¨°º can you ping me now...GOOD! º°¨¨°º®
Fixed mates only yesterday exact same probs it was PSU if you have a spare or can obtain one switch them over . it at least eliminates that .

Is this a new machine or an old one? I have had a similar problem with a new system. In this case the system had to be set to a slower FSB then started. After booting up the fsb could be set back to the correct position.

- Zych
I blew the PSU in my box as well. Thankfully it didn't take anything with it.

Your best to replace it with a good quality PSU. I got the Antec and you can't even hear the fans when it's powered up.

Now all I have to do is deal with a pesky Quicktime BSOD.
Ok, I looked at the MB and I didn't see any busted compasitors or anything.. if i listened carefully it appears something is emmitting a very high pitched/hard to hear hissing/squeeling sound. I'm not sure if that is normal when the mb is receiving power or what. I tried another power cord, that is not the problem. There are no beeps at start-up. Another interesting twist is that it seems when both my HDs are powered the computer does not power up correctly but when just one is hooked up at a time it does power up.. hrm.. in any case i'm going to get a new power supply to see if that fixes it. Thanks for the help guys.
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