I'm new to programming, and trying to master passing arguments. I can't figure this problem out. I get the error "Compile Error Expected: =" when I try to call a sub. Here is the sub (Not finished yet):<br><br>Private Sub CheckOutPut(K%, ZOUT$)<br> If K% = 1 Then GoTo 16001<br> If K% = 2 Then GoTo 16002<br> If K% = 3 Then GoTo 16003<br> If K% = 4 Then GoTo 16004<br> If K% = 5 Then GoTo 16005<br>16001<br> If Val(ZOUT$) > 0 Then Ck1$ = "Y"<br> If Mid(CT1$, 1, 2) >= "32" And Mid(CT1$, 1, 2)<= "41"Then<br> Ck1$ = "Y"<br> End If<br> Exit Sub<br>16002<br>16003<br>16004<br>16005<br>End Sub<br><br>Here is how I am calling it:<br><br>Private Sub txtGross_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)<br>KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))<br>ZOUT$ = Chr(KeyAscii)<br><br> If KeyAscii = 13 Then<br> KeyAscii = 0<br> Vis% = 2<br> ZOUT$ = txtGross.Text<br><br> CheckOutPut(1, ZOUT$)''''Here is the line I get the<br> ''''Error on <br> <br> Mid(CT1$, 15, 8) = ZOUT$<br> Color<br> End If<br>End Sub<br><br><br>It will let me pass one or the other, but not both. I've tried setting K%=1 then passing K%, but still wouldn't work. Thanks for any help.<br><br>Catrina