I am writing a small VB6 program to link an Oracle to an Access database to copy data from Access(my old database) to Oracle(the database I am converting to). I need to do this to test a full blown application that I am converting. I am trying to avoid using import and exports and going through the trouble of manually linking the databases together because I have different copies of the Access database with different types of data. I just want to click one button to get this to work.
Here is a sample of the code that I am trying to get to work. It contains a simple select statement just to see if the link is working.
appAccess.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DRIVER=" & _
"{Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER=elec;;TABLE=OUTAGEUSER.EMERGENCY_DATES", acTable, _
strSQL = "select * from access_emergency_dates"
rstEmergencyDates.Open strSQL, cnnAccess, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
From what I understand Access should be able to see the outageuser.emergency_dates table as the access_emergency_dates table. cnnAccess is the connection to the Access database. When I try to open the recordset an error message is displayed that the Jet database engine can not find access_emergency_dates. What I am doing wrong in these statements? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Here is a sample of the code that I am trying to get to work. It contains a simple select statement just to see if the link is working.
appAccess.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DRIVER=" & _
"{Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER=elec;;TABLE=OUTAGEUSER.EMERGENCY_DATES", acTable, _
strSQL = "select * from access_emergency_dates"
rstEmergencyDates.Open strSQL, cnnAccess, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
From what I understand Access should be able to see the outageuser.emergency_dates table as the access_emergency_dates table. cnnAccess is the connection to the Access database. When I try to open the recordset an error message is displayed that the Jet database engine can not find access_emergency_dates. What I am doing wrong in these statements? Any help will be greatly appreciated.