I have been struggling with installing Win2k on 2 Aopen machines based on AX6BC motherboard using PIII 733 MHz, newest BIOS.
One of the machines lets me install windows but after a day or two it developes a really long delay durind splash screen. Then sometimes it starts getting blue screens (ks.sys) after that. Yesterday instead of blue screen it quit the boot process during the loading bar and informed me pci.sys was missing or corrupt. Chcdsk from recovery console helped, but there are still long delays on splash.
The other identical machine wouldn't let me install windows. It stops during copying files and informs me that certain files (many files) were not copied properly and there may be a problem with the CD. Then it comes to blue screen with kernel error.
The BIOS is new, it has extensive controls but I stick mostly to defaults except for setting the processor speed. Is that an IRQ issue or something? I got a "Driver_IRQL_not_les_or_equal" once. Don't know what to set them to, though, the conrols are rather advanced.
It is a win2k SP3 CD that was used successfully on other machines.
One of the machines lets me install windows but after a day or two it developes a really long delay durind splash screen. Then sometimes it starts getting blue screens (ks.sys) after that. Yesterday instead of blue screen it quit the boot process during the loading bar and informed me pci.sys was missing or corrupt. Chcdsk from recovery console helped, but there are still long delays on splash.
The other identical machine wouldn't let me install windows. It stops during copying files and informs me that certain files (many files) were not copied properly and there may be a problem with the CD. Then it comes to blue screen with kernel error.
The BIOS is new, it has extensive controls but I stick mostly to defaults except for setting the processor speed. Is that an IRQ issue or something? I got a "Driver_IRQL_not_les_or_equal" once. Don't know what to set them to, though, the conrols are rather advanced.
It is a win2k SP3 CD that was used successfully on other machines.