I writr this program to show answer of quary to the users and , then
users can update information.
when Run program with IDE ( for example : Komodo ), it works
correctly .but when I convert program to .exe with cava packager ,
its not working. ( select quary not working).
when I change the $dbh->fetchrow_array(); with WHILE loop :
While(our @rec = $dbh->fetchrow_array()){
our $name = $rec[1];
our $adminname = $rec[2];
our $myphone1 = $rec[3];
our $myphone2 = $rec[4];
our $myaddress = $rec[5];
our $mypercent = $rec[6];
and convert program to .exe , WHILE LOOP convert to Infinite loops .
use Tk;
use DBI;
$mw = MainWindow->new(-background=>"gray");
$cn = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:telephontaxi","root","root",
{mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
$dbh = $cn->prepare("select * from telephonetaxiinformation");
our @rec = $dbh->fetchrow_array();
our $name = $rec[1];
our $adminname = $rec[2];
our $myphone1 = $rec[3];
our $myphone2 = $rec[4];
our $myaddress = $rec[5];
our $mypercent = $rec[6];
$mw->Label(-text=>"$header",-font => "Titr 23",-anchor=>'center',-
width=>34,-background=>"gray")->place(-x => 0,-y=>0);
$fram = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'groove',-borderwidth => 0,-width=>780,-
height=>240)->place(-x => 10,-y=>64);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$name)->place(-x =>410,-y=>15);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$adminname)->place(-x =>410,-y=>55);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-width=>4,-textvariable => \$mypercent)->place(-x =>170,-
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$myphone1)->place(-x =>410,-y=>95);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$myphone2)->place(-x =>50,-y=>95);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-width=>60,-justify
=>'right',-relief =>'groove',-textvariable => \$myaddress)->place(-x
$fram->Button(-text=>"Save",-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-command =>
[ \&saveinformation ])->place(-x =>370,-y=>190);
$fram->Button(-text=>"Exit",-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-command =>
[$mw => 'destroy'])->place(-x =>320,-y=>190);
sub saveinformation{
$cn = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:telephontaxi","root","root",
{mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
$dbh = $cn->prepare("update telephonetaxiinformation set
where azansid='1'");
$cn1 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:telephontaxi","root","root",
{mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
$dbh1 = $cn1->prepare("select azansid from
telephonetaxiinformation where azansname='$name'");
my @rec = $dbh1->fetchrow_array();
print $rec[0];
if($rec[0] ne ""){
$message = "save correctly...";
$fram->Label(-text=>"$message",-font => "homa 15")->place(-
x =>600,-y=>190);
$mw->messageBox (
-default => 'Ok',
-title => "$message",
-message => "$message",
-type => 'Ok',
I writr this program to show answer of quary to the users and , then
users can update information.
when Run program with IDE ( for example : Komodo ), it works
correctly .but when I convert program to .exe with cava packager ,
its not working. ( select quary not working).
when I change the $dbh->fetchrow_array(); with WHILE loop :
While(our @rec = $dbh->fetchrow_array()){
our $name = $rec[1];
our $adminname = $rec[2];
our $myphone1 = $rec[3];
our $myphone2 = $rec[4];
our $myaddress = $rec[5];
our $mypercent = $rec[6];
and convert program to .exe , WHILE LOOP convert to Infinite loops .
use Tk;
use DBI;
$mw = MainWindow->new(-background=>"gray");
$cn = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:telephontaxi","root","root",
{mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
$dbh = $cn->prepare("select * from telephonetaxiinformation");
our @rec = $dbh->fetchrow_array();
our $name = $rec[1];
our $adminname = $rec[2];
our $myphone1 = $rec[3];
our $myphone2 = $rec[4];
our $myaddress = $rec[5];
our $mypercent = $rec[6];
$mw->Label(-text=>"$header",-font => "Titr 23",-anchor=>'center',-
width=>34,-background=>"gray")->place(-x => 0,-y=>0);
$fram = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'groove',-borderwidth => 0,-width=>780,-
height=>240)->place(-x => 10,-y=>64);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$name)->place(-x =>410,-y=>15);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$adminname)->place(-x =>410,-y=>55);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-width=>4,-textvariable => \$mypercent)->place(-x =>170,-
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$myphone1)->place(-x =>410,-y=>95);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-justify =>'right',-relief
=>'groove',-textvariable => \$myphone2)->place(-x =>50,-y=>95);
$fram->Entry(-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-width=>60,-justify
=>'right',-relief =>'groove',-textvariable => \$myaddress)->place(-x
$fram->Button(-text=>"Save",-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-command =>
[ \&saveinformation ])->place(-x =>370,-y=>190);
$fram->Button(-text=>"Exit",-font => "Tahoma 13 normal",-command =>
[$mw => 'destroy'])->place(-x =>320,-y=>190);
sub saveinformation{
$cn = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:telephontaxi","root","root",
{mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
$dbh = $cn->prepare("update telephonetaxiinformation set
where azansid='1'");
$cn1 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:telephontaxi","root","root",
{mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
$dbh1 = $cn1->prepare("select azansid from
telephonetaxiinformation where azansname='$name'");
my @rec = $dbh1->fetchrow_array();
print $rec[0];
if($rec[0] ne ""){
$message = "save correctly...";
$fram->Label(-text=>"$message",-font => "homa 15")->place(-
x =>600,-y=>190);
$mw->messageBox (
-default => 'Ok',
-title => "$message",
-message => "$message",
-type => 'Ok',