Hi ...<br><br>We are running into a problem with the behavior of VFP handling of<br>RAISERROR. We are using PastThruSQL to call all of our data modification<br>routines, for example, one of the SQL Stored Procedure uses the following<br>codes..<br><br>...<br>...<br>BEGIN TRANS<br>-- Delete associated table records<br>DELETE FROM subtableA WHERE field1 = 13234<br>-- Delete main table record<br>DELETE FROM tableA WHERE field1 = @field1<br>IF (@@error != 0)<br>BEGIN<br>ROLLBACK TRANS<br>RETURN (1)<br>END<br>COMMIT TRANS<br><br>Let say the DELETE FROM ... statement caused a Constraint Error and resulted<br>in a RAISERROR. Using SQL QA, the execution will proceed to IF<br>(@@error!=0)... and issues a ROLLBACK TRANS. However, when calling this<br>procedure from VisualFoxPro, the RAISERROR is detected but the exeution of<br>the stored procedure stopped. This resulted in the deletion of subtableA<br>not being rolled back.<br><br>Any insight and advise is greatly appreciated.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br>