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Problem with Show/Hide Layers 1

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Sep 5, 2000
hey everyone-

I am creating a navigation menu with approx. 10 catagories. My goal is to have each catagory setup with a layer that shows when the corresponding catagory is mouseover'd. I have gotten the catagory button to show and hide the layer on the mouseover and mouseout behaviors, however, when I mouseout of the catagory it hides the layer regardless. I took the 'hide layer on mouseout' behavior off of the catagory button and it works fine, only doesn't hide the layer once I am not on the catagory button. Understandable since I removed the hide behavior.

The layer has 'show on mouseover' and 'hide on mouseout' behaviors applied to it and works perfectly as long as the 'hide layer on mouseout' behavior is not applied to the catagory button.

So, now I have a catagory button that shows a hidden layer when it is mouseover'd, a layer that shows and hides when it's mouseover'd and mouseout'd. The problem is - when I mouseover the catagory button and do not mouseover the layer, the layer stays until it is mouseover'd, then it hides.

Is there a way to hide the layer using the catagory button that will not over ride the hide/show behavior on the layer? If I add a 'hide layer on mouseout' behavior to the catagory button (the obvious solution) it doesn't allow the hidden layer to stay open for browsing regardless of having a 'show layer on mouseover' behavior.

I have tried setting up a timeline where it gives 5 frames for the layer to stay open once the catagory button is mouseout'd, however, it still hides the hidden layer regardless of being on the layer itself. I do not understand why the layer does not stay open when I have a show layer on mouseover behavior applied to it. It's like the catagory button overides everything.

Man that sounds confusing. Sorry about the shady explination. Any help would be appreciated.
I do not have a solution to your problem but only a question unfortunately. What browsers have you viewed your page with and what is the address. The reason I ask is that I am having a problem that only happens in netscape, and I was wondering if you have tried your page in different browsers? I am only a beginner myself and want to learn all I can. Thanks Richard
I am using IE 5.5 for all of my previewing. The page is not posted on the net yet so I cannot offer an address. I know the rollover effects will not work on the earlier browsers. If you run into a solution be sure to post again because I have yet to find one. Thanks
I have using DW 4 for sometime and I also find that problem existing. Sorry I have no solution here but just want to add information to the problem. My case is that even I do the show/hide behaviour in text(not graphics). It only works for one when there is 5 text which have been set for the show/hide behaviours
So I have give it up now and try to do similar effect in Flash 5, which is much more reliable !!
From what i got ur problem was
that if u have more that 2 catagories and 2 respective layers
when u r on a catagory u see its layer then u move to the next catagory u then want to show the new layer correcponding to cat 2

right ??

the mouseover hide all the other layers and only show the one you want


[red]Luck is not chance, it's toil; fortune's expensive
smile is earned.[red]
I'm not sure that I made myself clear in the first posting. Maybe a bit long winded? This is the problem.

I have 1 catagory graphic in gif format that I want to 'show' a hidden layer on 'mouseover' and 'hide' only when you 'mouseout' to somewhere other than the hidden layer.

The hidden layer holds subcatagories and I want it to 'show' on 'mouseover' and 'hide' on 'mouseout'.

If you want more of a visual aspect of what I am trying to accomplish, go to and check out the dropdown menus they have for the catagories.
Hi check there is a menu 4 u

regards Unicorn11

[red]Luck is not chance, it's toil; fortune's expensive
smile is earned.[red]
I appreciate the link unicorn. It helped me out tremendously. Everyone that looks that this posting should check out the link unicorn11 posted. It offers a vast array of menus and other such code. Thanks again.
Saw your posting an read replies (bratta is interesting), I've been trying revamp my old site (vamp is the word) but I have not uploaded anything except this.
which is an alternative method totally done in DW3 (remember to use a template!!!). So have a look at the code by opening it in DW. None of the URLs are linked to anything but the show/hide layers work a treat. I am sure you are aware netscape has a dilemma with event tags in layers/divs. That includes V6 as well.

thanks for the info. I appreciate the help and the interest of other designers. I haven't downloaded the source as of yet but intend to as soon as I get done writing this. I was wondering abotu the Netscape issue. Is there a know way of resolution or is it just something we have to deal with? I don't really have a lot of experience with Netscape so any help would be appreciated as well. Thanks


thanks for the info. I appreciate the help and the interest of other designers. I haven't downloaded the source as of yet but intend to as soon as I get done writing this. I was wondering abotu the Netscape issue. Is there a know way of resolution or is it just something we have to deal with? I don't really have a lot of experience with Netscape so any help would be appreciated as well. Thanks

I tried the page i uploaded (ap2-an-0.htm )with netscape 6. The onmouseover events still are not catered to, but more interesting was that with each refresh the page was loaded differently?!?!?!? Self modify code? or an app with a creative streak. But seriously, if you want maximum web exposure you have to cater for the max number of browser types. When i see sites with "Best viewed with Netscape 4 or higher" I feel like playing Doom! I get the impression that HTML x Standard has all the praticality of The Journalists Code Of Ethics (very slim read).

What I intend to do is design the super sexy site with all cute overaping layers and show/hide methods for ie >=4 and have a piece of javascript to read client and pull another bit of code if it finds Mozilla. What's nice about Drumbeat is that it does that crap for you (if you have an ASP server that is). You could look at it as a challenge to design an equally appealing and as easily navagible site for Netscape. But hey!! Look what just crawled in the room from KDE. The Konqueror filemanager browser for linux! It supports HTML 4.... but.. which bits? .. all bits or just some.

Sorry, I do rave on. Hope the code helps
Sounds too damn complicated to even think about. :) I think I am just going to design my site for IE 4 and all the other people can upgrade. The only problem is the aspect of my site. It is going to be an eCommerce site so I want to get as much exposure as possible. I guess I will just put a Javascript on the intro to determine the path of my visitors. Thanks

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