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Problem with php and mysql_query() 1

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May 17, 2001
I have a problem with the mysql_query() function...

Consider the following code:

$db = mysql_connect(&quot;host&quot;, &quot;user&quot;, &quot;pass&quot;);
$connect = mysql_select_db(&quot;webdemo&quot;,$db);

$query = &quot;SELECT COUNT(*) AS myCount, userType FROM survey GROUP BY userType&quot;;

$result = mysql_query($query, $db);

printf (&quot;<h3>Debug Results:</h3>&quot;);
printf (&quot;db = $db <br>&quot;);
printf (&quot;connect = $connect<br>&quot;);
printf (&quot;query = $query<br>&quot;);
printf (&quot;result = $result<br>&quot;);

if(mysql_num_rows($result) >0) {
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
printf($myrow[myCount], $myrow[userType]);
} ELSE {
print &quot;<BR>ERROR: There are no rows!&quot;;

When I run this, I get:
Debug Results:
db = Resource id #1
connect = 1
query = SELECT COUNT(*) AS myCount, userType FROM survey GROUP BY userType
result =

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in c:/program files/abria merlin/apache/htdocs/report.php on line 25

ERROR: There are no rows!

Any ideas what can be causing this? The user in this case has both SELECT and INSERT privs in the mysql:user table, and can successfully insert new rows via another script...

I can successfully run the SELECT stmt in the mysql console and get the results that I want, so I'm satisfied that the SELECT is OK.

You can get rid of the $db variable in the mysql_query() function, since all you need is the query.

And here:
$connect = mysql_select_db(&quot;webdemo&quot;,$db);

You can get rid of the $db variable since mysql_select_db() only requires the name of the database.

Try that and see what happens.

Hope this helps.

-Vic vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director

Thanks for the reply, but neither of your suggestions worked.


Try this, I modified the code so that instead of using mysql_query(), you just use mysql() and pass the database name and query to it.


$db = mysql_connect(&quot;localhost&quot;, &quot;cnunited&quot;, &quot;rtv@16&quot;);
$connect = mysql_select_db(&quot;webdemo&quot;,$db);

$query = &quot;SELECT COUNT(*) AS myCount, userType FROM survey GROUP BY userType&quot;;

$result = mysql(&quot;webdemo&quot;,$query);

print (&quot;<h3>Debug Results:</h3>&quot;);
print (&quot;db = $db <br>&quot;);
print (&quot;connect = $connect<br>&quot;);
print (&quot;query = $query<br>&quot;);
print (&quot;result = $result<br>&quot;);

if(mysql_num_rows($result) >0) {
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
printf($myrow[myCount], $myrow[userType]);
} else {
print &quot;<BR>ERROR: There are no rows!&quot;;

It worked fine on my machine. Win2k running PHP 4.02. And I got rid of the printf()'s since they weren't doing anything because you were not using any special formatting characters (i.e., %s).

Try it and tell me what happens.

Hope this helps.

-Vic vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director
I used you code (changing only the user and password), but got the exact same debug results and warnings...

I'm now wondering if there is a problem with my setup.

Thanks for your help!

Are you sure you have compiled your PHP with MySQL support?
I always use
$cx = mysql_pconnect( &quot;server&quot;, &quot;user&quot;, &quot;pass&quot; );
mysql_select_db( &quot;databasename&quot; );
$query = stripslashes( &quot;SELECT ... &quot; );
$rset = mysql_query( $query );
if ( $rset )
// display the result rows got with mysql_fetch
I hope it works...
Unix was made by and for smart people.
As I said in my initial post, another page successfully performs an INSERT, so yes PHP has the MySQL support...
try splitting the query .
$query = &quot;SELECT COUNT(*) AS myCount, userType&quot;;
$query .=&quot; FROM survey GROUP BY userType&quot;;
it works for me
Someone has solved this problem? I can't solve it, and I'd try all the options here.
I can't say this will be any different, but sometimes it helps to try different configs for your code instead of

$result = mysql_query($query, $db);

if(mysql_num_rows($result) >0) {
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
printf($myrow[myCount], $myrow[userType]);
} ELSE {
print &quot;<BR>ERROR: There are no rows!&quot;;

try this:

if (($result = mysql_query($result,$db)) || die('Bad Query'.mysql_error())){
if (mysql_affected_rows() || die('No Results Returned'.mysql_error())){
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)){
print($myrow['myCount'] . $myrow['userType'] . '<br>');

You also might change

$connect = mysql_select_db(&quot;webdemo&quot;,$db);


if (!mysql_select_db('webdemo',$db)){
die('Unable to find the data base'.mysql_error());

The main difference here is that the script will exit and report the error as soon as it happens, and not try to execute a statment with a bad resource ID. I find this to be very helpful in tracking down a problem as it helps pin point where and when the error occurs.

You wanted all the options, I hope this helps shed some light on the problem.

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