Until now, any link to a .pdf opened without problems and now all browsers on any computer open them as if they were plain text, displaying meaningless gibberish, things like this:
x�b�b`��������� ����M�! ���J�Gx}�90:05�2p1�0h0x�r���� �@� ���R�r�t����1��Fr�tBZ�����jl)�"$��*�y�7d3���$�HN�~���qz?[J���D������dK�a!9������!l)?d$'�=H~�8�ǐ-庅��yiEKμ ���!
It happens with any pdf, but they are all fine and perfectly accessible directly, but not from the web served by IIS on a Windows Server 2022. I have checked the MIME types, which seem correct, and also the HTTP headers where Content-Disposition, Content-Type and X.Powered-By are listed. I am very confused. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
x�b�b`��������� ����M�! ���J�Gx}�90:05�2p1�0h0x�r���� �@� ���R�r�t����1��Fr�tBZ�����jl)�"$��*�y�7d3���$�HN�~���qz?[J���D������dK�a!9������!l)?d$'�=H~�8�ǐ-庅��yiEKμ ���!
It happens with any pdf, but they are all fine and perfectly accessible directly, but not from the web served by IIS on a Windows Server 2022. I have checked the MIME types, which seem correct, and also the HTTP headers where Content-Disposition, Content-Type and X.Powered-By are listed. I am very confused. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.