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Problem with Option Values!!! (getting mad) 1

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Aug 24, 2004
This happens a lot and I don't know why, sometimes when I play my project the option buttons are already selected including all it's effects! The code is set on False Value so I know that can't be the problem, I know the code is correct. It also happens to my friend. Any help?
can you post up your code? is your code on the forms load? is there any other code on the page that would cause it to change values after the form loads?
Private Sub cmdtwo_Click()
opttwoone.Visible = True
opttwoone.Value = False
opttwotwo.Value = False
opttwothree.Value = False
opttwofour.Value = False
lblquestiontwo.Visible = True
lblquestionone.Visible = False
opttwotwo.Visible = True
opttwothree.Visible = True
opttwofour.Visible = True
cmdtwo.Visible = False
txtresult.Text = ""
imgonethree.Visible = False
End Sub

when i click on that command button opttwothree is always selected, but i don't know why. there is no other codes that would have any affect on it :/
ok so you are saying that opttwothree when your form comes up is defaulted to true? because the click of cmdtwo is setting the opttwothree.value = false, so it *shouldnt* be selected.

have you looked at the properties of opttwothree to make sure the value property isnt set to true?

yea it is on false, i put the opttwothree.Value=false just to double make sure it wouldn't but selected but it is always defaulted when i access my project for some reason.
there has to be something on the forms activate or load thats causing to to be checked.

have you tried to do another new project and put an option check on it and run it?

i know this may sound silly, but whens the last time you did a full restart of your puter?

do you also have the latest services packs for vb?

hmm, i searched the code again and if there is something that's causing it i can't find it.

i went to another project and it worked fine, not to mention that the thing i am making is a trivia so question 1 works fine but when i go to question 2 the option button gets checked automatically...

i fully restarted my PC today...

i'll go d/l those service packs right now
actually its opttwotwo that's getting auto selected. i did a Ctrl + F and searched the entire code window and nothing has anything that would make the option button act the way it does.

BTW i downloaded service pack 5 but it didn't seem to fix it.
that is a strange one... tough call to make on it...

if you want to post up your project somewhere and let me take a look at it?

or you can email me directly: cbennett08@yahoo.com

that way we can take a look at the project and see whats going on...

i sent you my project, if you see any problems can you tell me about it
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It would be helpful if posters could attach files to their posts, but I suspect that management's view is perhaps that the hosting would be prohibitively expensive...

Can you post the solution so we can all benefit?

user was making a trivia vb app and each time after the first question was answered, when he made the option buttons visible it would fire off the click event for that option and cause the answer to be already displayed for the second answer before anyone could make their selections. he was using one form to handle all kinds of questions with the same options boxes etc..

had him break the questions up into seperate forms, which resolved the issue and also helped him learn how to use multiple forms (he is just learning vb).
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