I'm having an issue with expired tapes. Once they expire they immediately go to scratch, which I'm fine with. The only issue is that once they go into scratch for some reason netbackup does not see them there and my backups fail. I don't know if these tapes are expiring after the backup or possibly during the backup then in the which the backup is running when the tape is pushed to the scratch pool. If someone has any advise at all that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I'm having an issue with expired tapes. Once they expire they immediately go to scratch, which I'm fine with. The only issue is that once they go into scratch for some reason netbackup does not see them there and my backups fail. I don't know if these tapes are expiring after the backup or possibly during the backup then in the which the backup is running when the tape is pushed to the scratch pool. If someone has any advise at all that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you