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Problem with dynamic variable

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Jul 7, 2000
i have create a form like this :<br><br>&lt;cfoutput&gt;<br>&lt;cfform action=&quot;ajout.cfm?val=#Nb_Sonda#&quot; method=&quot;POST&quot;&gt;<br>&lt;CFLOOP CONDITION=&quot;i LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO Nb_Sonda&quot;&gt;<br>Saisissez la réponse numéro #i# :<br>&lt;br&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; ID= ToString(&quot;champ&quot; & #i#)&gt;&lt;br&gt;<br>&lt;CFSET i=i + 1&gt; <br>&lt;/cfloop&gt;<br>&lt;br&gt;<br>&lt;input type=&quot;Submit&quot; value=&quot;Validez Sondage&quot;&gt;<br>&lt;/cfform&gt;<br>&lt;/cfoutput&gt;<br><br>where nb_sonda is a value passed by a precedent form, to create dynamic fields<br><br>next i want to store that in database :<br><br>&lt;cfquery name=&quot;num&quot; datasource=&quot;essai&quot;&gt;<br>select max(Id_Sonda) as NumSonda<br>from sondage<br>&lt;/cfquery&gt;<br><br>&lt;cfset j = '1'&gt;<br>&lt;cfoutput&gt;<br>&lt;CFLOOP CONDITION=&quot;j LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO Val&quot;&gt; <br>&lt;cfset envoi = document.forms(tostring(&quot;champ&quot; & #j#))&gt;<br>&lt;cfquery name=&quot;rep_sond&quot; datasource=&quot;essai&quot;&gt;<br>insert into question_sondage(Id_Sonda , Lib_Quest_Sonda , Compt_Quest_Sonda)<br>values ('#num.NumSonda#' , '#envoi#'&nbsp;&nbsp;, '0')<br>&lt;/cfquery&gt;<br>&lt;CFSET j=j + 1&gt; <br>&lt;/cfloop&gt;<br>&lt;/cfoutput&gt;<br><br><br>I don't arrive to use the value&nbsp;&nbsp;of the fields in the other forms.
put your val=#Nb_Sonda#&quot; in a hidden field something like:<br>&lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;val&quot; value=&quot;#Nb_Sonda#&quot;&gt;<br>works for me<br>marc
ok, it's another way to pass a var from page to another , but my matter is i can't store in my database the values of the fields create dynamically with the loop.<br>thanks for your help..
Jocker,<br><br>Let's take it from the top.&nbsp;&nbsp;You need 3 pages to do all this.&nbsp;&nbsp;Suppose that:<br>*&nbsp;&nbsp;the page which supplies the value of Nb_Sonda is page1.cfm<br>*&nbsp;&nbsp;the page with the form is page2.cfm<br>*&nbsp;&nbsp;the page which updates the DB is page3.cfm<br><br>Page1.cfm has to pass the value of Nb_Sonda to page2.cfm<br>There are several ways of doing this in page1.cfm<br>The simplest is &lt;cflocation url=&quot;page2.cfm?Nb_Sonda=#value#&quot;&gt;<br>In this case page2.cfm has to refer to this value as #URL.Nb_Sonda&quot; and the form in page2.cfm has to say<br>&lt;cfform action=&quot;page3.cfm method=&quot;POST&quot;&gt;<br><br>As tvpittner says, a hidden field in the form is the easiest way of passing the value from page2.cfm to page3.cfm<br>Then page3.cfm has to refer to it as #URL.hidden_field_name#<br>in the update query<br><br>If you need any more help, it might be useful to give a description of what you're trying to do (a specification) as well as the code.<br><br><br>
Ok but my matter is not in the passing of this var, the var who i don't arrive to passe is them from the new fields<br><br>it's for a survey<br><br>one <br>-i say the title, the question and the number of possible response and record this in a table survey<br><br>two in a new page i complete the fields create by a loop, who loop until the number is equal to Nb_sonda<br><br>three i want to store the different response but i don't arrive, with this code it store the name of the field and not the value in the field<br><br>does exit a way to specify FORM.INPUT ??
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