i need to build a tabset with 24 folders (for each letter one), and they are all supposed to show the same text widget with different content. for the moment however, i don't even manage to display the text widget properly.
The code would be this:
tabset .ts
pack .ts
set x {a b c d} # an abbrev. list, one letter for a tab
set i 0
text .ts.text # the text widget to be shown
foreach element $x {
.ts insert $i $element -text $element
.ts tab configure "$element" -command {.ts tab configure $element -window .ts.text}
incr i
If anything, this code only shows the text widget on the last side of the tabset. Can anybody help me?
Thanks, Beate
i need to build a tabset with 24 folders (for each letter one), and they are all supposed to show the same text widget with different content. for the moment however, i don't even manage to display the text widget properly.
The code would be this:
tabset .ts
pack .ts
set x {a b c d} # an abbrev. list, one letter for a tab
set i 0
text .ts.text # the text widget to be shown
foreach element $x {
.ts insert $i $element -text $element
.ts tab configure "$element" -command {.ts tab configure $element -window .ts.text}
incr i
If anything, this code only shows the text widget on the last side of the tabset. Can anybody help me?
Thanks, Beate