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problem with display?

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Technical User
Feb 23, 2003
I'm not sure what happened....I adjusted some admin. settings and all of the sudden if I click on an icon or click on a selection in the start menu the screen doesn't fill. the address bar fills, the globe spins, and the bottom bar tell how many files it found but the screen stays empty.

now, when I right click the address bar the screen fills right away. but thats the only way. any idea what I may have messed up?

Host a screen shot of your problem because it is not making a lot of sence.

It could be to do with the drivers installed.
when I click "my documents" for example the screen turns white but none of the icons load. the screen will stay blank and, if left alone, the microsoft "globe" in the top right corner will continue to spin indefinately. I,ve left it spinning for up to five minutes with the page staying blank

However, if I move my cursor to the address bar at the top of the screen and right click on that, the web page will load and/or more icons will appear. (as normally happens right away when you left click your selection. For a right handed person with a right handed mouse).

It seems like it can't find the specified path.

if I host a screen shot you only see a white page.

Can you give some more clues? Like, what kind of admin settings were you adjusting? Were they Desktop settings? Internet Explorer properties?

It sounds like you're starting IE. Is the icon in My Documents that you click on an html file? Or do you get your problem no matter what program icon you click on? For instance, what happens when you double click the desktop icon "My Computer"?

I was getting a failure status code 1000 and 1001 continuously. i followed the ms knowledge base article 290647. (sort of)

I cleared the "Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object" box. and verified several administrative permissions. and yes, it happens with desktop icons, shortcuts, and links in my favorites list.

normally I wouldn't touch any of these fixes on my own , but the applications that I was trying to run kept being shut down.(ms access, excel, word.....

I,m sorry but this is the best explanation I can give...I,ll try to answer any more questions if you have any.

I am having the same problem,,

the display behavior is normal when you select clasic view.

at my end the internet explorer shows the same behavior.
is this the same as with you
i am running 2000 adv server (terminal sessions)
Ah. That KB article applies to Win2000 server. Brian - Are you also running Windows 2000 server? If so, both of you might have better luck posting your questions in that forum. This forum is for the Win 2000 Pro operating system, which is what I'm most familiar with - wouldn't feel comfortable giving you advice about the server OS. Good luck -

win 2kpro. its even happening when i switch to different articles from my msn homepage. sort of a pain

Win2k pro, OK. Do the error messages from your event logs look like the following?

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Date: x/xx/2003
Time: xx:xx:xx AM
Computer: xxxxx
Description: The Group Policy client-side extension Security was passed flags (17) and returned a failure status code of (3).

Event Type: Error
Event Source: SceCli
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: x/xx/2003
Time: xx:xx:xx AM
User: N/A
Computer: xxxxxx
Description: Security policy cannot be propagated. Cannot access the template. Error code = 3.
\\...\Machine\Microsoft\Windows NT\SecEdit\GptTmpl.inf.

If they don't, what are the event sources and error descriptions given for each of the events?

this is one of many....they all seem to involve office xp

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Date: 5/18/2003
Time: 8:49:42 PM
Windows cannot unload your registry file. If you have a roaming profile, your settings are not replicated. Contact your administrator.

DETAIL - Access is denied. , Build number ((2195)).


This info i have received from Microsoft.

I doesnt solve my problem, perhaps i solve yours ??


Cannot view folders in Web view after installing Windows 2000 SP3 and WGID:576
ID: 328994.KB.EN-US CREATED: 2002-09-10 MODIFIED: 2003-04-04

Public |

!!! CAUTION !!!
This is NOT A FINISHED ARTICLE! - THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE MAY NOT BE CORRECT! It is an in-process (pre-published) content object, and as such, may not have been properly tested, written, tech reviewed, or edited. Please do not send this article to a customer or comment on this article in VisualKB. !!! CAUTION !!!

The information in this article applies to:

- the operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3 (Version: SP3)



After applying Windows 2000 SP3 into a clean installed system, you cannot view the folders in the customized Web View mode.

Windows 2000 SP3 includes an updated security policy that prevents unsigned webview templates from running.

To resolve this issue, please turn off the security policy. To do so, please add the RevertWebViewSecurity value into your system registry:



After adding the value, log off and logon the computer.

List of Security Fixes in Windows 2000 SP3:





With AllowLegacyWebView" = TRUE(1) we will render legacy custom webview templates for file system folders with templates that have a registered hash SHELL32\UTIL.CPP.

In fact, this value doesn't seem to exist.

// NT5 SP3 shell restrictions
{REST_NOSMCONFIGUREPROGRAMS, L"Explorer", L"NoSMConfigurePrograms"},
{REST_ALLOWUNHASHEDWEBVIEW, L"Explorer", L"AllowUnhashedWebView"},
{REST_REVERTWEBVIEWSECURITY, L"Explorer", L"RevertWebViewSecurity"},
This does not really matter as this is the default.

With "AllowUnhashedWebView" = TRUE(1) we will render legacy custom webview
templates for file system folders that do not have a registered hash but WILL provide a security warning dialog prompting user to confirm whether or not they want to run potentially unsafe script.

With "RevertWebViewSecurity" = TRUE(1) we will disregard any of the new security measures that were implemented in SP3 and revert to behavior that existed prior to SP3.


To duplicate the problem, you would have to go into %SYSTEMROOT%\Web and open the folder.htt file.

Make any change at all and save the changes.

Then refresh your explorer window. The left-hand pane disappears and it reverts to the old standard window view. Even the most mundane change causes the web-view to be non-functional (change the font color from black to blue).

Yes, you can customize each folder by going to View - Customize This Folder, but who wants to change them one-by-one when
you can change them all in one fell swoop?

Microsoft is deprecating .htt support due to potential security attacks through running HTML in the trusted My Computer Zone. (A signed .htt file says "I trust this .html content to run in the My Computer Zone".)
Hi Brian -
Let's back up a moment, because there seems to have been a series of problems. If so, its best to tackle them one at a time. Let me see if I've got the story right so far - you tell me if I've guessed wrong, OK? Also, I'll have some questions along the way - it will help if you give me answers for those, too.

1. You have a stand alone machine running win2k pro and you're using Office XP.

Have you installed SP 3 for win2k pro yet?
Have you installed SP 2 for Office XP?
Do you have a current and functioning virus checker?

2. Presumably your Office XP applications (Word, Excel, etc.) were working - and then they stopped working.

Do you remember changing anything just before they stopped working, like installing or updating a program or adding a new device driver? (I'm not trying to be insulting - just trying to make sure we cover all the bases.)

3. You went looking for why Office XP apps weren't working and found lots of error events 1000 and 1001 in your event log files, and you've given the details on the event ID 1000 in your last posting.

What's the complete description of the 1001 event you were getting?
Why do you think these error events are related to the Office XP app failures?

4. You went to the MS site to get info about those error events, found the kb290647 article, and followed it (sort of, as you said). Then you started to experience a new set of problems - the blank pages - when you tried to use Internet Explorer.

Did your changes fix the problems you were having using the Office xp apps? (I'm guessing not.)
This new blank page problem - it only happens when you're using IE, right? It doesn't happen when you use other apps that you access from your desktop (like "My Computer"?)
Have you tried reversing your changes yet and, if so, did it do any good?

I know that's alot of questions - and with no promise we can figure this out even if you do answer them all! Might be faster if you sought out someone who could actually look at your computer - up to you, of course.

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