I have a Calendar control on my form which is invisible to begin with. On the MouseDown event of a combo box, I'm bringing up the control, and allowing the user to dbl click on a date, causing the control to disappear.
This all works like a charm, but after bringing up the control, I can no longer RELEASE the form. I have to CANCEL and CLEAR ALL before I can get rid of it. It only happens after the calendar has been made visible - I can exit at any time before that.
I can't see anything strange about the control (I've used it dozens of times) but I assume it's the one causing the problem. Anyone encountered this (the calendar control is on a different 'level' to the control that is calling it, if that helps, which it probably doesn't)
This all works like a charm, but after bringing up the control, I can no longer RELEASE the form. I have to CANCEL and CLEAR ALL before I can get rid of it. It only happens after the calendar has been made visible - I can exit at any time before that.
I can't see anything strange about the control (I've used it dozens of times) but I assume it's the one causing the problem. Anyone encountered this (the calendar control is on a different 'level' to the control that is calling it, if that helps, which it probably doesn't)