I made an executable to my project with vb6 and crystal 7.o it works fine on my machine but in other machines it gives error.'Unable to log on to server'.I used logon server method.Here is what I used.
With crptbid
.LogOnServer "PDSSQL.DLL", "server", "database", "user", "passwrd"
.ReportFileName = "H:\RES_COLL\vb\reports\Bid.rpt"
.Destination = crptToWindow
.Action = 1
End With
I made an executable to my project with vb6 and crystal 7.o it works fine on my machine but in other machines it gives error.'Unable to log on to server'.I used logon server method.Here is what I used.
With crptbid
.LogOnServer "PDSSQL.DLL", "server", "database", "user", "passwrd"
.ReportFileName = "H:\RES_COLL\vb\reports\Bid.rpt"
.Destination = crptToWindow
.Action = 1
End With