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Problem w/keeping group headers together in a multi detail sec. report

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Jul 24, 2001

I have a report that is printing "widowed group headers". One site suggested that I add an additonal group header with duplicate information. The problem I have here is that my detail section has 3 very large sections.

Is there another way to get my group headers to not print without the detail printing on the next sheet?

Thank You
Describe this a bit more.
You want to keep the GH together? or keep it with its details? Ken Hamady, On-site/Phone Crystal Reports Training/Consulting
Quick Reference Guide to using Crystal in VB
Hi Ken,

I would like my gh to stay with the appropriate detail record. I have tried going into the "section" and tried the " New Page After" which didn't do anything. I was wondering if there was a formula that should be written to enforce checking this box?

Thanks for your response

Have you tried the Change Group Expert's option called "Keep Group Together".

This keeps the Header, Footer and details between together.

If this isn't it, describe your sections in more detail. Ken Hamady, On-site/Phone Crystal Reports Training/Consulting
Quick Reference Guide to using Crystal in VB
Hi Ken,

I have tried the "Keep Together" under the changer group expert. This does keep the group information together, but leaves a blank page between each record. It's like I have to choose between two evils.

Any other ideas?

The report is a work order that is selected based on a workstation ID.

I have 3 detail sections in this work order: the first conataining the report header and general info regarding the group or our customer; the second detail is specific Hardware information contained in a sub report for that specific group/customer; the third and last detail section is similar to the second but contains software information for the customer.

I created the detail sections in order to have growing room because our customers are constantly removing and/or adding both hardware and software.

Let me know if you need additional information.


You said you have 3 'detail' sections, but you describe them using the words report header and group. Please name all of the sections, from top to bottom, in the order that they appear in design mode. Then describe which is being orphaned. Ken Hamady, On-site/Phone Crystal Reports Training/Consulting
Quick Reference Guide to using Crystal in VB
Group: based on workstation ID

Detail a: Holds labels such as Location, customer, dept name, div name, address, building; subreport printer (which holds detail printer info for that workstation ID) and last a customer subreport (which holds detail customer info for that workstation ID).

Detail b: Subreport Hardware - holds detail information of all hw pieces that make up the workstation ID

Detail c: Subreport Software - holds detail information of all sw that pertains to the workstation ID.

Please include all sections, including all headers and footers. Ken Hamady, On-site/Phone Crystal Reports Training/Consulting
Quick Reference Guide to using Crystal in VB
Report Header: Holds parameter to enter ID desired

Page Header: Company Logo, with document title

Group Header: Workstation ID

Details A-C: As described above

No Group Footer: minimized section

No Report Footer: minimized section

Page Footer: Text with lines designed for signatures after print out.

Do any of your sections currently have page breaks before or after?
How deep are the details sections?
Are the details conditional or do all three of them print for every record.
I assume there is more than one record per group? Ken Hamady, On-site/Phone Crystal Reports Training/Consulting
Quick Reference Guide to using Crystal in VB
I have a field Object with lastname, firstname,midname and maidenname within the brackets after midname as @name (ex: Dapert Mary P. (Cummings)). I want to make the first part of the string(ie., lastname only, 'Dapert') in bold. I tried using <B></B> within the formula but it doesn't save the font specified in the report. So I tried putting <font face> within the formula but no use. And in paragraph formatting, I specified text interpretation as HTML text. Can someone help me with this Problem.

Thanks in advance.
Could you start a new thread for this. Ken Hamady, On-site Custom Crystal Reports Training & Consulting
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Guide to using Crystal in VB
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