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Problem using Crystal Report 8.5 with PSQL2000

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Mar 14, 2001
Hi all,

I allready put many posts on different forums but never have a real solution to my problem. Sometimes good hints but...
Well... I will try an explain...

We have an application (Borland C++ Builder 5) that manage billing. So we have to print many reports (Crystal Report 8.5) that are bound to a P.SQL2000 database.
If I open the report in the Crystal Report Designer environment, things are find for me. And the preview is ok.
Things are going worse when I do the same job within our billing application. The sanction is allways the same: "PEStartPrintJob err 534" or "PEStartPrintJob err 534 [Level2]".
I have to mention that the same application works fine on another place (both have the same hardware & software configuration).
I have also to mention that BCB application uses Crystal API to do the job.
The problem is even more revelent when we are in a PSQL2000 WorkGroup configuration :(
I have allready had a look at both PSQL2000 and CR8.5 DLL version -> As it looks important to put DLL in the correct location.

Help will be appreciate :)
Doing a google search on "Crystal Report 534", I found several links to possible problems. The one that might be closest is:
The link indicates the 534 is typically a Crystal component problem.

Custom VB and Btrieve development.
Certified Pervasive Developer
Certified Pervasive Technician
Thanks mirtheil,

I've allready experience what's mentionned in that link.
Many others in fact using Google. But it doesn't solve my problem. That's what make me think that Err 534 is a rubbish error. It can means one and another :(

Anyway thanks for your reply
Have you tried using the VCL component? I use it in several applications reporting on Pervasive and Access databases and I've never hit that error.

Yes I did. And things allways going fine for me in that case. But it's a project I have to maintain, this time...
Would be to long to look deep in the source. And as I have notice no relevant problem since a few weeks I rather look for technical problems (install, config ?!?)
I would make sure - i.e. rename the \crystal folder and copy the crystal folder from a machine that works - that you have the same Crystal components.

I just had a client with two accounting packages on a machine (same software vendor) that installed conflicting crystal files. Once we renamed the \crystal folder and re-installed one of the two packages our problem went away.

My fingers are crossed for you.

Thanks DjangMan for your last post. Uninstall crystal. Delete any key in the registry refering to it. But it did'nt work for us.
Then I uninstall PSQL2000i.Re-install our application (that brings crystal components). Re-install PSQL2000i SP3.
Then all turns ok.
Don't you think that the problem reside in the common or incompatible DLL shared between Crystal and Pervasive?

It certainly sounds like there was an incompatibility. You might try upgrading to Pervasive SP4 but if everything is working you might not want to 'rock the boat'.

It may have been you had some other Pervasive file on your computer that the install cleaned up.

Anyway - I'm glad you're up and running.

I'm glad too. But I would have like to understand everything about that err 534. As you say, the re-install of PSQL2000 solves everything for us. But we didn't found the tricky DLL :(

Thank you for your help
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