I've noticed that a string I stored into SQL server does not appeare to be the same as the orginal string.
If I have the string "Œ‘•" and store it into the database field that is of type varChar, then I read the string and get the value: "O_'¤". I'm using the VB code bellow.
Can someone please explain why the string is converted, and what I shall do to get the exact string stored in the database without this unexpected conversion.
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sBeforeStored As String
Dim sReadFromSQL As String
Dim i As Integer
sBeforeStored = Chr(140) & Chr(141) & Chr(145) & Chr(149) & Chr(15)
'Store the string in the SQL server.
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM myTable", myConnection
rst("myColumn" = sBeforeStored
'Reads the string from the SQL server.
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM myTable"
sReadFromSQL = rst("myColumn"
For i = 1 To Len(sReadFromSQL)
MsgBox "sBeforeStored: " & Asc(Mid(sBeforeStored,i,1)) & vbCrLf & "sReadFromSQL: " & Asc(Mid(sReadFromSQL,i,1))
Next i
If I have the string "Œ‘•" and store it into the database field that is of type varChar, then I read the string and get the value: "O_'¤". I'm using the VB code bellow.
Can someone please explain why the string is converted, and what I shall do to get the exact string stored in the database without this unexpected conversion.
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sBeforeStored As String
Dim sReadFromSQL As String
Dim i As Integer
sBeforeStored = Chr(140) & Chr(141) & Chr(145) & Chr(149) & Chr(15)
'Store the string in the SQL server.
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM myTable", myConnection
rst("myColumn" = sBeforeStored
'Reads the string from the SQL server.
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM myTable"
sReadFromSQL = rst("myColumn"
For i = 1 To Len(sReadFromSQL)
MsgBox "sBeforeStored: " & Asc(Mid(sBeforeStored,i,1)) & vbCrLf & "sReadFromSQL: " & Asc(Mid(sReadFromSQL,i,1))
Next i