The setup:
W2K Server running IIS5
My permissions:
NTFS Full control of my web on the IIS server.
My web has it's own IP and hostname assigned by the Server Owner
I am an Owner of the IIS web.
The web has a dozen or so Frontpage webs created in it by Frontpage 98
I am an Author of all these FP webs and can access them all from FP98
With the IIS Internet Manager Snap-in loaded on MMC on my workstation I can edit the properties of my web.
I can't see the subdirectories that make up the Frontpage 98 webs while in MMC
If the server owner makes me a member of the local admininstrators group on the W2K server, I can then see all the FP98 webs under my web, And I can edit the properties of them and their sub directories (set IP restrictions,
default page for each FP98 web etc etc)
As many other sites are run on this server, the owner of the server is not willing to allow me to stay as a local admin of the server (fair enough)
How can I keep control of all the FP98 subweb properties without being a local admin of the server?
W2K Server running IIS5
My permissions:
NTFS Full control of my web on the IIS server.
My web has it's own IP and hostname assigned by the Server Owner
I am an Owner of the IIS web.
The web has a dozen or so Frontpage webs created in it by Frontpage 98
I am an Author of all these FP webs and can access them all from FP98
With the IIS Internet Manager Snap-in loaded on MMC on my workstation I can edit the properties of my web.
I can't see the subdirectories that make up the Frontpage 98 webs while in MMC
If the server owner makes me a member of the local admininstrators group on the W2K server, I can then see all the FP98 webs under my web, And I can edit the properties of them and their sub directories (set IP restrictions,
default page for each FP98 web etc etc)
As many other sites are run on this server, the owner of the server is not willing to allow me to stay as a local admin of the server (fair enough)
How can I keep control of all the FP98 subweb properties without being a local admin of the server?