Hi all, I have a problema rounding decimals. I perform a calculations and the result is currency with a no more than 2 decimals (Round in cents of EURO). Well, following rules of round to EURO (€), round must be: 1..4=down, 5..9=up ""but"" ROUND function follows mathematical rules: 1..4=down, 6..9=up and 5=down if number of the left is pair and 5=up if number of the left is odd. Ex:
Number to test / Result of Round / Result must be(currency)
To test:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim test as Currency
test= (number to test)
Me.Label1.Caption= Round (test, 2)
End Sub
This is a big problem because you can loss much money ony one second.
Is there a function to round currency correctly???
Any custom function???
Any idea????
Thanks in advance.