using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace Payroll
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void btnDisplayPayrollReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//define a streamReader and the location of the txtfile
StreamReader fileReader = File.OpenText(@"..\Payroll.txt");
//fefine variables
const int EOF = -1;
decimal HourlyRate = 0.0m;
decimal HoursWorked = 0.0m;
decimal GrossPay = 0.0m;
decimal FinalTotal = 840.50m;
string name;
//Muilt zone format
string heading = "{0, -14}{1,14}{2,14}{3,12}";
string content1 = "{0, -13}{1,13:c2}{2,13:c2}{3,13:c2}";
string ending = "{0, -13}{1,13:c2}";
//Perform Calculations
lstResult.Items.Add("Payroll Report for Week ending 11/15/06");
lstResult.Items.Add(String.Format(heading, "Employee", "Hourly Rate", "Hours Worked", "Gross Pay"));
//Read the txtfile if is not null + perform calculations
while (fileReader.Peek() != EOF)
name = fileReader.ReadLine();
HourlyRate = decimal.Parse(fileReader.ReadLine());
HoursWorked = decimal.Parse(fileReader.ReadLine());
GrossPay = HourlyRate * HoursWorked;
//using if statement when Hours worked over 40 and perform calculations
if (HoursWorked > 40m)
GrossPay = ((HoursWorked-40) *(HourlyRate * 1.5m)) + (40 * HourlyRate);
//list the result in a listbox
lstResult.Items.Add(String.Format(content1, name, HourlyRate, HoursWorked, GrossPay));
lstResult.Items.Add(String.Format(ending, "Final Total", FinalTotal));
private void lstResult_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
iam kind of stuck on the final total. how do i add all my grossPay and display on the listbox?
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace Payroll
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void btnDisplayPayrollReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//define a streamReader and the location of the txtfile
StreamReader fileReader = File.OpenText(@"..\Payroll.txt");
//fefine variables
const int EOF = -1;
decimal HourlyRate = 0.0m;
decimal HoursWorked = 0.0m;
decimal GrossPay = 0.0m;
decimal FinalTotal = 840.50m;
string name;
//Muilt zone format
string heading = "{0, -14}{1,14}{2,14}{3,12}";
string content1 = "{0, -13}{1,13:c2}{2,13:c2}{3,13:c2}";
string ending = "{0, -13}{1,13:c2}";
//Perform Calculations
lstResult.Items.Add("Payroll Report for Week ending 11/15/06");
lstResult.Items.Add(String.Format(heading, "Employee", "Hourly Rate", "Hours Worked", "Gross Pay"));
//Read the txtfile if is not null + perform calculations
while (fileReader.Peek() != EOF)
name = fileReader.ReadLine();
HourlyRate = decimal.Parse(fileReader.ReadLine());
HoursWorked = decimal.Parse(fileReader.ReadLine());
GrossPay = HourlyRate * HoursWorked;
//using if statement when Hours worked over 40 and perform calculations
if (HoursWorked > 40m)
GrossPay = ((HoursWorked-40) *(HourlyRate * 1.5m)) + (40 * HourlyRate);
//list the result in a listbox
lstResult.Items.Add(String.Format(content1, name, HourlyRate, HoursWorked, GrossPay));
lstResult.Items.Add(String.Format(ending, "Final Total", FinalTotal));
private void lstResult_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
iam kind of stuck on the final total. how do i add all my grossPay and display on the listbox?