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Problem Installing CD RW on a IDE Promise controller card

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Technical User
May 27, 2003
Here is what I'm trying to do: I want to install a new Sony CRX 220 CD RW on my Promise Ultra 133 TX2 controller card,
on it I already have installed,
a WD 60 Hdd (unjumped) on Chanel 1 and this drive is working.
But when I tried to install the CD burner jumped to CS, on Chanel 2 it did not install or recognize the drive,
so I tried unjumped and it is recognized and Windows see it in DM as working fine,
but it isn't working at all, it won't read or write,
I can't use the SL jumper 'cause on this box I already have two CD roms installed,
one as master and the other as slave, on the mobo IDE.
( I've tested this drive on my spare Rig and it's working fine)
I don't quite understand the full functionality of this type of card,
and how it relate to the onboard controller,
is it an extension, a addition to,
and if so, how does one jump a drive that one want to install on the promise card,
if on the onboard controller already have two drives one jumped as master and one as slave ?
and if you're curious about why do I want to install a additional CD burner here is the reason of why: First because the Sony DVD burner is being used a lot,
so as to save the drive from breaking down too soon ,
the second it was setting in a drawer,
third with Nero 6 ultra I can burn 2 disc's at the same time, if I want to.Thx

Asus A7N8X De LUXE-V2
AMD ATHLON XP 2600+ 208 FSB 333
GRAPHIC -ATI RADEON 9700\9500- 128 MB
HDD- WESTERN DIGITAL 40 GB 2MB CASHE Installed and Working
HDD- WESTERN DIGITAL 60 GB 2MB CASHE (installed on the controller card and working)
HDD- WESTERN DIGITAL 80 GB 8MB CASHE installed and working
SONY DRU510A DVD BURNER installed and working
SONY CRX 220E CD R-RW Instlled on the controller card and it isn't working
SONY DDU1621 DVD READER installed and working
Think of the promise card as another mother board. It has it's own bios and IDE controller. Just set the drive jumper as master or slave, hook up the corresponding IDE cable (just like the mobo) and go from there. If this doesn't work, swap the drive for one of the other CD drives and try.
micker377 I've tried every way possible, it only will accept and install HDD data and unpartitioned drives,I did install my Wd 60 gb drive and data only (NO OS on it)and that is working fine.But for instance I've hooked up my master drive with 2 OS on it w2k on c: and exp on D: It install and boot to C: w2k but not on D: Wxp and as far as ATAPI kind of drives CD rw so on,(I can't say for zip drives the like of Iomega 100) it will install, but the drive will not work at all, I've tried all 3 disc drives with no sauces, finally after fiddling around for 8 hrs or so and asking numerous question on other forums, I came to the absolute conclusion that this card is GARBAGE, if one intend to attach any atapi drive and hope it will work. They are kind of a chip outfit, they are selling cards for 100s of dollars and they don't offer phone Teck 800 numbers at all, just web teck ( if one have need immediate help, good luck you're on your own!) I'll never buy any product from them again!
You may be on the right track (piece of trash!). When I went to XP, I couldn't get my Promise board to work. The instructions said to "flash" the Promise bios. This board didn't have the "correct" bios chip! I put in a Silicon Image Sil 680 Ultra 133 Medley ATA card, it has worked since boot-up (about a year ago). By the way, they are about the same price.
Can you post a link for that card, I would like to find out more about it
Is your ide cable a "normal" cable, or a "cable select" cable? I'd try to offer more advice, but quite frankly I cannot understand what you wrote.

I can say I have used many promise cards over the years and I have yet to come across any problems.

"I can't use the SL jumper 'cause on this box I already have two CD roms installed, one as master and the other as slave, on the mobo IDE."

Honestly, you sound confused, I don't think you have the drives set up well enough to determine if the problem is the promise card or not - first check if there is a "hole" in the ide cable, that will indicate if it is a "cable select" cable. Reply with what cable it is, and someone here will help you further.
What kind of cable are you using? It should be an 80-wire cable (some should have come with the controller) and the blue end plugged into the card.
. Jumper the drive to Master (does not work like hard drives - 0ne jumper must be in place at all times - either Master, Slave, or CableSelect. The Promise card may prefer it one way or the other (either M/S or CS).
. If jumped Cable Select, the drive must be hooked to the last connector or the cable. If jumped to Master, it doesn't matter what position except that to properly terminate the cable it should be at the end if it is the only drive on the cable.

He who dares not offend cannot be honest. -- Thomas Paine.
You can't just switch between master/slave settings & cable select settings. Master/slave settings will not work on a "cable select" ide cable, and likewise, cabe select settings will not work on a "normal" ide cable.

You need to make sure the drives are properly set up before deciding the promise card is defective & spending more money on new equipment.
Hi, 711782,

I have always found Promise cards to be reliable and fine, though I'm not familiar with the Ultra133 TX2.

The support page you are looking for is at:

It contains BIOS updates and a User Guide can be downloaded from:

Iechyd da! John
Glannau Mersi, Lloegr.
Yes you can use M/S settings with a cable select cable - the CS feature of the cable is just ignored.

He who dares not offend cannot be honest. -- Thomas Paine.
Not all IDE Controller Cards and RAID Cards have support for ATAPI Drives.

Hard Drives use an EIDE or ATA interface, However, Optical drives are usually using an ATAPI interfacee. On the motherboard the IDE ports also have ATAPI, but that is not always so on a controller card unless it specifically states that it supports ATAPI Drives.

If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
I went to the promise site and looked - the card he has is supposed to support ATAPI. It almost has to be in the cable or jumpers.

He who dares not offend cannot be honest. -- Thomas Paine.
I've downloaded from Promise, the PDF manual and read it,and I further read elsewhere about it, my take is,
that there is no way one can successfully install a CD rom drive on this card period ,
it just does not support it, although the bios version is the latest,
it doesn't do any good,
so I'll dump it, as soon as I find a superior card that support CD roms as well as Hdd.
Thank you all for your effort to help me on this issue

wrong.... The TX2 Ultra133 card from Promise does support a CDROM, at least mine does...


PS - set it as Master on the secondary channel...

If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer...
I don't recall trying that, but I will. and give a it second chance, and let you know, thx
I did try to connect the CD RW to the sec Chanel as a Master and it didn't work,
it register the Rom fine,
but it won't read ( it freezes the Rig ) to the point that one can't reboot,
I've reread the manual and it seems that this card does indeed support atapi, but in my case I don't seem to be able to install my new Sony CD RW at all.I've reinstalled the card driver, which is the newest available and still no chicken in the pot!

sorry for the long time to post... was away on vacation...

kinda sounds like your drive may be bad!!! does it work on the build in IDE ports?

but I'm also wondering why you wish to install a CD-r/w when you've already have a DVD Burner, as this one burns CD-r/rw aswell...

greets Ben

If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer...
BadBigBen,nah the drive is new it works perfectly on my test Rig,I'm still unable to install it,
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