Hi all,
I have a tcl text widget with some values in it that has been fetched from a sqlite backend.
I also have a button labelled Submit.
When I click the Submit button, I want to call a procedure which will fetch the value that is stored in the text widget and store it in a variable. What do I write in the procedure?
The procedure which I have written is given below, but it gives me errors while compiling.
The relative code is given below:
frame .f2 -width 250 -height 270
pack .f2
pack propagate .f2 0
button .f2.b1 -text "Submit" -command { submit_details } -font $fnt11b
place .f2.b1 -x 2 -y 240 -width 55 -height 20
proc submit_details {} {
puts "Submit"
set seln [.f2.t2 text]
set selcn "[.f2.t2 get $seln]"
puts $selcn
Thanking in advance for any help.
Anirban Sarkar
I have a tcl text widget with some values in it that has been fetched from a sqlite backend.
I also have a button labelled Submit.
When I click the Submit button, I want to call a procedure which will fetch the value that is stored in the text widget and store it in a variable. What do I write in the procedure?
The procedure which I have written is given below, but it gives me errors while compiling.
The relative code is given below:
frame .f2 -width 250 -height 270
pack .f2
pack propagate .f2 0
button .f2.b1 -text "Submit" -command { submit_details } -font $fnt11b
place .f2.b1 -x 2 -y 240 -width 55 -height 20
proc submit_details {} {
puts "Submit"
set seln [.f2.t2 text]
set selcn "[.f2.t2 get $seln]"
puts $selcn
Thanking in advance for any help.
Anirban Sarkar