When I run my stored proc it doesn't propduse any errors but also dusn;t seems to execute... I am new to ADO can you please have a look maybe I am doing something wrong with my ASP?
and this is a signature of my stored proc:
I can run other stored procs with this code and they work fine ! (others don't take any params)
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thank you
When I run my stored proc it doesn't propduse any errors but also dusn;t seems to execute... I am new to ADO can you please have a look maybe I am doing something wrong with my ASP?
Set Cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With Cmd
.ActiveConnection = strConn
.CommandText = "sp_Synchronise" ' name of stored procedure
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("@startDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput, CDate("2003-01-01 00:00:00"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("@endDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput, CDate("2003-04-17 23:59:59"))
Set Rs_Customer = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'On Error Resume Next
Set Rs_Customer = .Execute
End With
and this is a signature of my stored proc:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Synchronise
@startDate datetime = NULL,
@endDate datetime = NULL
I can run other stored procs with this code and they work fine ! (others don't take any params)
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thank you